Seriously Angry Bees

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Wow, is it necessary to be quite so pedantic RAB? Ben's just asked for help - there's no need to pull apart his email and actually look up words in the dictionary to embarrass him online, is there?
I’m new to bee keeping and to forums but I have to say u is a funny lot! I have now read allot of rabs comments and he keeps same hive as me and he gives fantastic advice on here see him as a bee-guru but yes suggest post links to send people to starter treads or give in corrigible advice and that goes to all,, I read a post on here in the sell/wanted and a guy was wanting to buy peoples honey to sell wow a lot of u beeks took strips off him,, we need u gurus but try be a bit kinder pls,,,( just cheaking my spelling :) )
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I think RAB was having a bad day- but that isn't Ben;s fault. Being so pedantic is rather rude, RAB. We are surely here to help and advise, and ask for help sometimes ourselves- not drive beginners away.

Ben- sorry - on his behalf- and if RAB doesn't like that- he is welcome to come and visit me- tell me to my face... :). If he is feeling up to it :smilielol5:

Ben - if this hive continues in this way - requeen. She may be a hard working queen- but it is no fun if you get 'challenged' in such a way. Bee keeping is a great way of life (believe me it goes from hobby very quickly:hat:) , and a foul colony that you dread opening is unacceptable.

Where do you live?- helps us if you put in your details. Have you a mentor- a great help in your first year.
Thanks Heather,

I myself have recieved some great advice from RAB since I joined the forum but I think there has just been a slight misunderstanding here. I started beekeeping when I was 11 and have, actually, been beekeeping for four years now with the help of a friend. We actually had a good honey crop this year (90 jars over 2 hives) but one of our colonies has become very aggressive.

Thanks once again, Ben P
well m8 i should pat yourself on the back - shame more teenagers today havent got worthwhile hobbies like you :)

my advice is dont be put off by the rare/occassional sharp replies (do what i do i have a beesuit for the girls and a flame retardant one for the forums)
take all comments on board, sift through them and make your own call :)
Very near you, actually. I live near Uckfield, East Sussex.

Ben P
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I went to school in Uckfield and grew up in High Hurstwood - so knew the area well. I expect its changed alot since I was there.
I’m new to bee keeping and to forums but I have to say u is a funny lot! I have now read allot of rabs comments and he keeps same hive as me and he gives fantastic advice on here see him as a bee-guru but yes suggest post links to send people to starter treads or give in corrigible advice and that goes to all,, I read a post on here in the sell/wanted and a guy was wanting to buy peoples honey to sell wow a lot of u beeks took strips off him,, we need u gurus but try be a bit kinder pls,,,( just cheaking my spelling :) )

The beeks on this forum are usually very kind and helpful; but I have noticed some days they can be bad- tempered. I'm not sure if it's the weather, or lack of forage, or maybe wasps.....;)
Sorry once again about my y11 level English, knew I had written it badly when I posted it.

We are prepared to forgive you for the temporary lapse,,, however, in future please remember that there are people who seem to get some kind of perverse pleasure in correctling others mistakes and require a numbered list of questions to which they can answer. Either that or they are incapable of understanding anything that doesnt have big pictures titled A B C etc. and if they are unable to solve the problem still feel the compulsion to answer in a critical manner. i.e. they cant answer and its your fault.
Think Ben fine now, line drawn :smash:-

Ben, do you go to an Assoc? Very welcome to come to us at Brighton & Lewes.
The beeks on this forum are usually very kind and helpful; but I have noticed some days they can be bad- tempered. I'm not sure if it's the weather, or lack of forage, or maybe wasps.....;)

lmao :biggrinjester:

Hi Ben. I'm new to bee keeping, I sort of stumbled into it. How did you get into it?
Personally I would move them to an out apiary so that they won't become a real problem.

It could prove a tad inconvenient, if not expensive, if they start harassing the builders once the house extension gets under way. Your dad may not be too chuffed if he has to do it all himself, because no one will take on the job with the bees where they are.

Don't change the stated facts part way through a discussion, it's seen as wriggling in the light of criticism.

instead, consider what you are going to say before you say it. Say what you mean and mean what you say.

RAB's manner may at times be viewed as abrasive, but that's no reason why he should be prevented from stating evident truths. That would be tantaramount to asking someone if they were calling someone else a liar while their nose growth was breaking the sound barrier. And no I don't suggest you are telling fibs, but just don't seem to have a firm grasp of the facts which seem variable, due to your alleged lack of original detail.

All your other threads have been fairly lucid. Bee clear.

I imagine that transport may be a bit of a problem as I suspect you may be dependent upon parent power. If you can shift them to an association apiary for a few weeks and perhaps bring them back to a back garden if an out apiary is impractical. Maybe it's time to get a bicycle and a trailer to service an out apiary not too far away?