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Lolly Bee
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    • Lolly Bee
      So many joyful things. Learning and my brain going “wow that’s fascinating” being the top of the list. Seeing people’s reactions when...
    • Lolly Bee
      Free bees ... hard to resist - even when you already have too many ! It's another disease - Ineedfreebeesitis - totally incurable ....
    • Lolly Bee
      Lolly Bee reacted to Sutty's post in the thread Getting ready to swarm? with Like Like.
      Is the queen clipped? Could have tried to swarm and she's ended up at the back of the hive and they've clustered around her.
    • Lolly Bee
      Lolly Bee replied to the thread Getting ready to swarm?.
      I finally managed to get the vast majority in yesterday after Sutty's helpful thought. It took quite some time, they were extremely...
    • Lolly Bee
      Lolly Bee reacted to Antipodes's post in the thread Getting ready to swarm? with Like Like.
      They have pollen on their legs too though. There is a lot of pollen coming in. Wow!
    • Lolly Bee
      Lolly Bee replied to the thread Getting ready to swarm?.
      Full inspection today. Plenty of pollen space and yes lots coming in. Queen found, re-marked and heart rate return to normal!
    • Lolly Bee
      Lolly Bee replied to the thread Getting ready to swarm?.
      The entrance is now wider (now that I have managed to get my hands to it without the fury of the bees! They are a really nasty lot.)...
    • Lolly Bee
      Lolly Bee replied to the thread Getting ready to swarm?.
      This hive was my mentors and the tray was always fitted there. I check for varroa every time I inspect.
    • Lolly Bee
      Lolly Bee replied to the thread Getting ready to swarm?.
      Sensible thought. Wasn’t last week but will double check. Thank you - helpful suggestion. This is why I like this forum so much.
    • Lolly Bee
      Lolly Bee replied to the thread Getting ready to swarm?.
      I’ve not seen them there before either, unless they have created an entry space the rear is closed and has a tray. Currently a brood...
    • Lolly Bee
      This is my nasty hive and with this activity wasn’t terribly willing to dive in and have a look. Just in case. However … last week no...
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      • IMG_0623.jpeg
    • Lolly Bee
      Lolly Bee replied to the thread Advice please if you can.
      Love to learn if you are ever Salisbury way. Def move here, it’s really lovely. Done 16 years of Wiltshire heaven!
    • Lolly Bee
      Lolly Bee reacted to Wilco's post in the thread Advice please if you can with Like Like.
      If Bath is the wrong direction for you, I'm sometimes over Salisbury way (we may be moving there in the next year or two) so can...
    • Lolly Bee
      Lolly Bee replied to the thread Advice please if you can.
      Hi Emily. Thank you so much that’s incredibly kind. And yes I’ll jump at the chance to learn. I’m About an hour away, however...
    • Lolly Bee
      Lolly Bee replied to the thread Advice please if you can.
      Sadly I have to. The viciousness of the entire hive is appalling. Plus I can't put the people on whose land the hives are located as...
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