Polystyrene primer ?

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Sep 7, 2013
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Hi all,

I have previously painted a couple of my poly nucs with masonry paint, but did not use a primer. Equally, the pre-painted poly hives I have from Abelo don't seem to have been primed. In both cases, a couple of years down the line, there has been some limited degradation of the paint, where it's lifted from the surface (blistering/peeling).

... Nothing too bad, but as I now want to paint the rest of my (freshly cleaned) nucs, to limit UV damage, I was wondering whether it was the done-thing to use a primer ?...

... and if so, what product comes recommended ?

Cheers 👍
the done-thing to use a primer
Yes, masonry used to be the default recommendation but times change, and I'm going to use oil-based.

Some years ago Murray at Denrosa recommended oil-based as it bonds better to poly. In fact, it melts the surface very slightly. By contrast, a knocked masonry surface will lose paint easily.

Some of my Abelo roofs - now 10+ years old - are peeling completely back to the white poly. As it was a water-based paint (though very tough) moisture got through eventually.

I will sand, then spray oil primer primer and topcoat (a mix of old Dulux satin oil paints).
Hi all,

I have previously painted a couple of my poly nucs with masonry paint, but did not use a primer. Equally, the pre-painted poly hives I have from Abelo don't seem to have been primed. In both cases, a couple of years down the line, there has been some limited degradation of the paint, where it's lifted from the surface (blistering/peeling).

... Nothing too bad, but as I now want to paint the rest of my (freshly cleaned) nucs, to limit UV damage, I was wondering whether it was the done-thing to use a primer ?...

... and if so, what product comes recommended ?

Cheers 👍
Someone put me onto Zinsser primer and sealant products and it has been excellent for me on timber.
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I've always used Cuprinol 'Garden Shades' or the LIdl equivalent that comes on sale (mucy cheaper than Cuprinol) from time to time. I've just cleaned my stored poly kit - some of which was painted gettting on for 13 years ago (without primer) - there's no sign of it lifting- it's weathered a bit and looks a bit thin in places but it would stand another few years without a repaint if I wished. I think it's a much better paint than some of the 'so called' masonry paints which are little better than emulsion.
I've always used Cuprinol 'Garden Shades' or the LIdl equivalent that comes on sale (mucy cheaper than Cuprinol) from time to time. I've just cleaned my stored poly kit - some of which was painted gettting on for 13 years ago (without primer) - there's no sign of it lifting- it's weathered a bit and looks a bit thin in places but it would stand another few years without a repaint if I wished. I think it's a much better paint than some of the 'so called' masonry paints which are little better than emulsion.
:iagree: I've got stacks of poly nucs, all painted with garden shades, never primed, just given two coats when new, never been a sign of peeling. the oldest ones have been around for well over ten years and only now looking a bit thin in places, but then, they are always outside, even the empty ones are stored outside in winter.
I use Santex white masonary paint,I have loads left from a job years ago .I mix artists acrilic paint with it to give me whatever colour takes my fancy. Never had any problems .
I painted my first poly hive using Hammerite Garage Door paint in green: a solvent based paint. The solvent dissolves a little of the poly to form a tightly adhering skin and 9 years later it looks like new (when washed).
But expensive and ages to dry in winter - just use cheap masonry paint now - lasts years and easy to repaint.
I have two Abelo floors to repaint, having repaired areas where bees and wasps chewed their way under the entrance block.
I wondered whether priming the filled areas would be advisable before coating with masonry paint and decided I would, but haven’t yet…..
A few of my Abelo roofs are peeling in places whereas my poly nucs are mostly painted with bog standard emulsion and no sign of wear.
The poly hives I painted with one coat of thinned masonry paint 5 years ago have no sign of peeling and the surface is well bonded. If the paint is too thick I could imagine water would get under it and the weather lift it or it would crack when knocked, but it only needs to be a thin covering to stop UV degradation.
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I have used HQC masonry paint for my nucs. Better coverage than Cuprinol & needs less coats.
I’ve just painted a couple of new nucs with this - in British Racing Green!
A few of my Abelo roofs are peeling in places whereas my poly nucs are mostly painted with bog standard emulsion and no sign of wear.
Same with mine. Today I noticed a roof which the paint has started to crack and peel open exposing the white polystyrene. It's only a 3 years old roof...

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