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You cant complain as all the fishermen down your way voted out even though you receive more money from the EU than any other part of England.

Just get on and make the most of whats happened. BTW I voted remain but will accept the result.

Also do you think the EU would just let us say oh dear you didn't vote the way we wanted why not have another go. That would make us look even more stupid in a Donald trump sort of way.
Sadly I agree - you can't change the rules after the event if you don't like the outcome. What we need to do is make the best of a bad job. And try to make the brexiteers stick to the promises they made to 'persuade' (read con) the voting populace.
try to make the brexiteers stick to the promises they made to 'persuade' (read con) the voting populace.

There is a deeper issue here that I don't think anyone is paying attention to. If the brexit campaigners lied (which they did), is the vote valid? To allow this to happen is to give the green light to others to lie in the future. There should be a penalty for misleading people like this (or am I just being naive?)
If you didn't realise that both sides were lying from the start then yes, you were naive.
There is a deeper issue here that I don't think anyone is paying attention to. If the brexit campaigners lied (which they did), is the vote valid? To allow this to happen is to give the green light to others to lie in the future. There should be a penalty for misleading people like this (or am I just being naive?)

Anyone who believed the Brexit numbers - when they were specifically pointed out as wrong - deserves the economic hardship (If any) which comes . After all, only a dimwit or a naif believes what politicians say -the worldly wise crosschecks with the "experts". The "experts " said Leave lied.

As for re-running elections, that's for dimwits or naifs..
Anyone who believed the Brexit numbers

So...are you saying it is acceptable for politicians to lie to the electorate? I don't accept this. They are elected to serve us. They have no authority beyond that which we assign to them.This is the only part of the exit campaign I do support (the EU's lack of accountability). In all othr respects, I believe we are better off part of Europe.
So...are you saying it is acceptable for politicians to lie to the electorate? I don't accept this. They are elected to serve us. They have no authority beyond that which we assign to them.This is the only part of the exit campaign I do support (the EU's lack of accountability). In all othr respects, I believe we are better off part of Europe.

Sorry but are you joking. Surely?
The number of cases where politicians have promised to do things and did not is legion.

The courts accepted that ..

Promises from politicians are not legally binding.
Whether you agree or disagree with the result of the referendum, allowing another vote on the issue would undermine our democratic system, otherwise what would prevent a second general election every time we had a new government voted in. Personally I don't think you can believe ANY politician, they all lie through their back teeth when it suits them and have an arrogant view towards the populace.
Whether you agree or disagree with the result of the referendum, allowing another vote on the issue would undermine our democratic system, otherwise what would prevent a second general election every time we had a new government voted in. Personally I don't think you can believe ANY politician, they all lie through their back teeth when it suits them and have an arrogant view towards the populace.

I totally agree
Whether you agree or disagree with the result of the referendum, allowing another vote on the issue would undermine our democratic system

How do you work that out? a referendum is advisory - not a direct instruction. a second one would just be like asking 'are you sure' (and it's obvious now that people aren't) people seem to have forgotten that the people of the ROI had two referenda on whether to accept the Euro, can't remember there being rioting in the streets at that time - or much turmoil after, in fact they seem to be quite happy about it.
There is a deeper issue here that I don't think anyone is paying attention to. If the brexit campaigners lied (which they did), is the vote valid? To allow this to happen is to give the green light to others to lie in the future. There should be a penalty for misleading people like this (or am I just being naive?)

It doesn't matter if they lied or not, the question on the referendum was do you want to leave, not what policies would like to adopt when we leave.
So...are you saying it is acceptable for politicians to lie to the electorate? I don't accept this. They are elected to serve us. They have no authority beyond that which we assign to them.This is the only part of the exit campaign I do support (the EU's lack of accountability). In all othr respects, I believe we are better off part of Europe.

So I take it you voted to remain, B+?
...and this is ok with you?
Perhaps its time that we held politicians to their word for their promises. Otherwise, it is just a matter of "what lie do you like the sound of?"

What no politician says but what is factual is:
1. the electorate is ageing
2. the state pension scheme is funded through current taxation. (a classic ponzi scheme)

So 1. combined with 2. means fewer people have to pay a bigger bill.

If you increase the working age population then the ponzi scheme keeps going longer. So immigration is going to continue or OA pensions will have to be cut AND taxes rise a lot..

THAT is the major long term issue. There are no easy solutions as some politicians suggest.

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