Oxalic Acid

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They'll likely ban sales of rhubarb root next. I'm worried that I will need a licence to transplant a few roots in the garden.
When they realise strawberries are high in oxalic acid Wimbledon will have to get a poisons licence!
I think, (and I stress that I am not an expert in animal product legislation, just human), that it should be possible to apply for a license to use OA (without fairy dust) as a treatment for varroa through existing data (as a bibliographic application). Plenty of reported evidence and its not a new entity, so should reduce or eliminate need for additional expensive trials to prove efficacy. Should fit under the MU/MS system (Minor Species/Minor Use) guidance. Its still not cheap though, and there is an ongoing cost to support the regulatory submission once on market (annual submissions, pharmacovigilance etc). It would cost one 5K to get a scientific meeting with the VMD to discuss the options, and 30K to just submit a dossier for review, without anyone collating / authoring the application.

What has stopped a veterinary medicines producer doing this up to now is that there is no intellectual property to prevent other manufacturers using the initial submission as an access point to market, together with, until now, free availability of OA from any old source. This gives limited to no potential for a return on the investment involved to get to market as it stands. However If OA price skyrockets due to restricted availability, then it might just make sense for a company / organization to promote this, or at least look at feasibility.
5K to get a scientific meeting with the VMD to discuss the options, and 30K to just submit a dossier
sh!t, if that's all it takes, I'll collect all my loose change tomorrow and check how much I've got left in the sock under the mattress after I've had the truck repaired!!
sh!t, if that's all it takes, I'll collect all my loose change tomorrow and check how much I've got left in the sock under the mattress after I've had the truck repaired!!
Crowd funding by a few thousand beekeepers would have that sum within a week or so.

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