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    • BernardBlack
      BernardBlack replied to the thread At the entrance.
      So, I think I realised the problem. This hive is sat on a stand I built, and I added a landing board maybe 1.5-2 inches width. I think...
    • BernardBlack
      BernardBlack replied to the thread At the entrance.
      Thanks. I’ll do that.
    • BernardBlack
      BernardBlack reacted to enrico's post in the thread At the entrance with Like Like.
      You need to get this sorted by autumn. Cold weather can kill thousands of bees if they are underflying and they may even start to build...
    • BernardBlack
      BernardBlack reacted to BugsInABox's post in the thread At the entrance with Like Like.
      I think the advice is generally to fill the gap under the entrance as they are underlying and then can’t find there way in.
    • BernardBlack
      BernardBlack replied to the thread At the entrance.
      I checked my hives on Wed, and there was a cluster under the open mesh floor of one. This hive is double Brood with a lot of flying...
      • 57A3663E-C6B5-47DA-A4BB-6793AC88D7AB.jpeg
    • BernardBlack
      BernardBlack replied to the thread Bees swarm and return daily.
      A similar thing happened to me on Tuesday. About 150-200 bees were clinging to a post in front of hives. Thought it was a swarm...
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