Blimey, this has been busy while I was away!
Thank you for all the comments - it's making me consider things I hadn't thought of (rootstock, wind protection, hive locations, etc.). It definitely shows why this forum is well worth being a member of.
That would literally make me weep. I hate food wastage.
We've got one nearby now (we don't own the land we're currently on) and we've managed it through careful inspection and raking, but we will keep an eye on it. My wife is definitely in your camp in terms of taking it down. It's in the Green Belt though, so I'd need to check if I need permission.
I'll take a look at that! The whole apple discussion has got me really thinking about what I want to grow. It's almost too much information.

(In my line of work we call that "analysis paralysis".)
Good point, I need to carefully consider that.
The perimeter of the site is being planted with a hedgerow, which should reduce the wind somewhat, but it's a big field, so more protection is likely to be needed. I'll take a look at Alder.
Thanks - that's worthwhile knowing.
Thanks again everybody.