Natural or Unmanaged?

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I understand that there was a recent 'stakeholder consultation' meeting relating to beekeeper attitudes, education, sources of information, etc, under the auspices of FERA's Healthy Bees Plan. All the usual country/region BKA's were invited, including the Bee Farmers, and also Phil Chandler and the NB Trust. My understanding was that this was an information gathering and networking exercise - FOR the project researchers FROM the attendees - and not a project management board meeting as such.

Well ...if this forum is anything to go by I hope they let the riot police know well in advance ....
Well ...if this forum is anything to go by I hope they let the riot police know well in advance ....

:hairpull::hairpull::hairpull: Thanks, Pargyle .... think you may be right there ...oh well, more for the media then

PS just checked the invite. Management board's the word - don't get too excited though, susbee and danbee, I won't be there and my colleague won't take no non-sense, not being endowed with my patience .... I just have a soft spot for a certain dying breed of beekeeper.
With no irritation...there is no such thing as a natural beekeeper.

Existing in or caused by nature; not made or caused by humankind.

So what trees do these sun hives grow on then?, and do the cows fly up there to sh!t on them, or the bees do the plastering themselves?
So what trees do these sun hives grow on then?, and do the cows fly up there to sh!t on them, or the bees do the plastering themselves?

See the handsome farmer coating them in the respective album: labour of love, that's what it's all about.
know that I trained as a conventional beekeeper,
Pity you seem to have forgotten what you learned or were you already at the stage where you had decided that you were the only one who was right.

Conventional.... established by accepted usage or general agreement.

What does the trust use the donations for?
I understand that there was a recent 'stakeholder consultation' meeting relating to beekeeper attitudes, education, sources of information, etc, under the auspices of FERA's Healthy Bees Plan. All the usual country/region BKA's were invited, including the Bee Farmers, and also Phil Chandler and the NB Trust. My understanding was that this was an information gathering and networking exercise - FOR the project researchers FROM the attendees - and not a project management board meeting as such.

I am surprised they did not invite Arne Naess
With no irritation...there is no such thing as a natural beekeeper.

Existing in or caused by nature; not made or caused by humankind.

She knows that but wont admit it, because therefore the NBT is a fraud by its deceptive name.
Pity you seem to have forgotten what you learned or were you already at the stage where you had decided that you were the only one who was right.

Conventional.... established by accepted usage or general agreement.

What does the trust use the donations for?

Sorry, dishmop, you're blackballed, as I already said earlier am not allowed to talk to any more before you show evidence of an IQ test and a certificate showing that you've taken part in NVC training. Your swearing in a recent post was deemed unsuitable for any further engagement on my part with you. So sorry.
I seem to remember it was you who started swearing when mentioning what it is that you dont feed to your bees, I did think it was a bit common, and I just drifted along with the flow.
So now we get to the insults stage by refering to levels of inteligence. NVC training? Norwich Vehicle Centre or pitta patta dont talk nasty to people?
Or in your case it might be Not Very Convincing.
because to convince people you need to be able to put forward a few sensible suggestions to promote your cause/method theory/daydream and so far nobody here has managed to get any answers from you about what you say, nor any response as to why you and your trust are feeding completely inaccurate and untruthful information to the public via the website to encourage people to give you money.

So you arent prepared to tell anybody what the donations received by the trust are used for? not even to those who donated?
I have feeling that should your income be above a certain level that the accounts will be public anyway so no problem.

Your swearing in a recent post was deemed unsuitable for any further engagement on my part with you. So sorry.
or a feeble excuse not to answer my questions, and did you come to that desision all by yourself? How clever because blackballing is a vote by several people.
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I have feeling that should your income be above a certain level that the accounts will be public anyway so no problem.

Yep. though so.
Kept quiet till now, as this thread has been wonderfully entertaining, I did think I would share the findings of the wonderfully rational skeptics resource :

The Quackometer Results:

Examining Site: NBT.

Web site titled 'Sustainable Beekeeping | Beekeeping Courses | Natural Beekeeping Trust'

  The black duck says...

This web site is heavily laden with loosely defined terms and possibly pseudoscientific language. It shows no sceptical awareness and so should be treated with a suspicious mind. It also looks like this site is trying to sell stuff. Buyer Beware!

This site has a has a currently measurable quackery content of 4 Canards

(The Canard is the internationally recognised SI unit for Quackery.)

Follow interesting quackometer results on Twitter @quackometer. Send your suspect sites to @quackometer and get a Tweet back with the result. You can also, follow the quackometer blog and more at @lecanardnoir
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stoneleigh programme available now

Have just been sent the Stoneleigh programme together with an:thanks: invitation. Gesture much appreciated Looks interesting. Will definitely ask my bees not to start swarming early ..... !!
Thanks. It has indeed been greatly entertaining. And that quackometer absolutely brilliant. Honour to be included and probably in good company. too.
I just hope that Finman hasnt read all this guff...........

or perhaps he did and has had a heart attack and not able to comment.
This page has been the best of the thread so far - totally hilarious!

And yeah +1 for Dishmop's rant - you go girl!
Nearly £20k in donations.
Just over £17k in earned income.

Expenses to generate income.. Just over £23k.

Profit carried over.... £14k.

So who has gained from this. I thought charities gave money to good causes.

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