Natural or Unmanaged?

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My bees LOVE me and I love my bees and I reckon most of you love your bees, too

My bees are telling me that they need a far greater variety of pollen and nectar

My bees are telling me that they prefer not to suck nectar from toxic blossoms

My bees are telling me that they are capable of building their own comb and resent raising their bee babies on contaminated foundation

My bees are telling me that they appreciate beekeepers' efforts to raise their profile in all ways possible

My bees are telling me that they don't like their queen referred to as an egg-laying" machine

My bees are telling me that it is wonderful to overwinter on honey containing all the variety of nectar and pollen collected over time

My bees are telling me that the warmth of their broodnest is the alpha and the omega of healthy colony life

My bees are telling me that we must not take them for granted

My bees are telling me that they have a lot more to tell us

My bees are telling me that they look forward to a time when all human beings guard the bees

My bees are telling me that they appreciate our gratitude for the marvel that they are

My bees tell me all sorts of things.

But with help I will learn to control my voices.
Youre out of date.
My bees send text messages.
Somebody once said that the worst thing you could do to Jeffrey Archer was to ignore him.

Sorry lads . We're all wrong.

A woven basket case me thinks.

My bees are telling me that they have a lot more to tell us

F***. So bees may read books after all.
Save you going to the library for a few years then.
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Good advice from Dishmop :Somebody once said that the worst thing you could do to Jeffrey Archer was to ignore him

Well, with 2600 views of this thread this is an opportunity you have sadly missed. But go for it now!! Practice ignoring! And congrats, the N........ B......... Trust has blackballed you - no chance of a sun hive for you - EVER!! My condolences.
And congrats, the N........ B......... Trust has blackballed you - no chance of a sun hive for you - EVER!! My condolences.

****. So also no defintion of natural beekeeping then?

N B Trust.

Neverbelieve B........

Well, with 2600 views of this thread

Unfortunately you dont get paid for any of them.
Two bits of good news today:

The 7 miles of hedgerow and associated trees and habitats to be ripped up by a local farmer has been withdrawn for now after lots of networking, social and old-fashioned which I was honoured to play a part in.

Second, we've shown that the NB Trust are nothing of substance and have no answers to give to their fictional story of beekeeping as it "should be". Or even as to having any justification for their chosen name.

I agree totally that we must monitor our environment for destruction of habitat and toxic chemicals and act according to the findings of real, level-headed, correct scientific research. But the puffery of the NB Trust is no help in this respect. Sad, but seemingly true. And hits on a website are often by level-headed thinkers not by the wide-eyed (affluent) gullible....
Two bits of good news today:

The 7 miles of hedgerow and associated trees and habitats to be ripped up by a local farmer has been withdrawn for now after lots of networking, social and old-fashioned which I was honoured to play a part in.

Second, we've shown that the NB Trust are nothing of substance and have no answers to give to their fictional story of beekeeping as it "should be". Or even as to having any justification for their chosen name.

I agree totally that we must monitor our environment for destruction of habitat and toxic chemicals and act according to the findings of real, level-headed, correct scientific research. But the puffery of the NB Trust is no help in this respect. Sad, but seemingly true. And hits on a website are often by level-headed thinkers not by the wide-eyed (affluent) gullible....

Well done with your efforts to save the hedgerows!

On your second bit of good news I must disappoint you: the SUBSTANCE of the NB Trust has just been confirmed by its invitation onto the management board of a new joint Defra/University Bee Health Initiative, invitation gratefully accepted - see you there if your organisation has been invited, too.

My bees LOVE me and I love my bees and I reckon most of you love your bees, too

My bees are telling me that they need a far greater variety of pollen and nectar

My bees are telling me that they prefer not to suck nectar from toxic blossoms

My bees are telling me that they are capable of building their own comb and resent raising their bee babies on contaminated foundation

My bees are telling me that they appreciate beekeepers' efforts to raise their profile in all ways possible

My bees are telling me that they don't like their queen referred to as an egg-laying" machine

My bees are telling me that it is wonderful to overwinter on honey containing all the variety of nectar and pollen collected over time

My bees are telling me that the warmth of their broodnest is the alpha and the omega of healthy colony life

My bees are telling me that we must not take them for granted

My bees are telling me that they have a lot more to tell us

My bees are telling me that they look forward to a time when all human beings guard the bees

My bees are telling me that they appreciate our gratitude for the marvel that they are

This looks more like a religion than natural beekeeping. If you go back to my post 136 I did suggest a training course for you to go on re cut outs. If you leave swarms for any length of time then you would have clean comb to collect. Any disease in the honey they have consumed has been turned to wax. I have heard the views from many sides, which is better honey or sugar. I have listened and my views are they are both valid as long as the honey comes from your own apiary you can use it, someone else's honey and you are promoting the death of the bees, not their conservation.
Well done with your efforts to save the hedgerows!

On your second bit of good news I must disappoint you: the SUBSTANCE of the NB Trust has just been confirmed by its invitation onto the management board of a new joint Defra/University Bee Health Initiative, invitation gratefully accepted - see you there if your organisation has been invited, too.

Oh dear, I see the bold script as tantamount to shouting. Should we be "honoured" that you choose to announce it (whatever "it" is) here rather than on you own "breaking news"? Please provide details, I'm sure everyone will be interested.....
If you go back to my post 136 I did suggest a training course for you to go on re cut outs.

Thanks, Anduril, I am not sure what you were referring to. I do use wax from other hives in order to sometimes create starters or whatever. And I take your point about the honey; one has to be very sure about the health status of the colony concerned. I am not sure which training you refer to. For cut-outs?
If you go back to my post 136 I did suggest a training course for you to go on re cut outs.

Thanks, Anduril, I am not sure what you were referring to. I do use wax from other hives in order to sometimes create starters or whatever. And I take your point about the honey; one has to be very sure about the health status of the colony concerned. I am not sure which training you refer to. For cut-outs?

With the guidance from a conventional beekeeper or is that asking too much?
Oh dear, I see the bold script as tantamount to shouting. Should we be "honoured" that you choose to announce it (whatever "it" is) here rather than you own "breaking news"? Please provide details, I'm sure everyone will be interested.....

Sorry, I will refrain from using bold. No need to be sarcastic, I was reponding to the rather unqualified second bit of your "good news" and thought that my info might interest you; it is not the sort of news our supporters are particularly interested in, given Defra's reputation, hence not news on our website.

I will not provide further details right now as I am in the process of having myself replaced with another beekeeper, but will let you know when that is finalised.

It is a rather welcome development that natural beekeepers (I am not the only one) should be invited onto such committees, even though I sympathise with the grief and horror this inevitably will cause in certain circles.

To anticipate your inquiry as to why I am seeking for a substitute for myself, it is quite simple. There are too many calls on my time, and one of my very good colleagues, who has a scientific training apart from excellent beekeeping credentials, is happy to substitute for me. This will leave me more time to entertain journalists and draw attention to the many ways people can contribute to what may be loosely termed a better world for bees.

It is quite possible that this aspect of my recent interview, i.e, drawing attention to issues of habitat, forage, pesticides etc. has escaped your attention.
I am happy to report that many have expressed their deep appreciation for the fact that a representative of a beekeeping organisation did just that.

It is very much in the interest if the future well-being of the honeybee that we, beekeepers, should take part in the debate on environmental issues, I am sure you will agree.

Hence my sincere compliments on your success in networking with others to prevent further habitat loss.

With very best wishes
resp. post 172 :Anduril, I am getting a little irritated with you. If you had read the article which started this thread you would know that I trained as a conventional beekeeper, and some of my very good friends are conventional beekeepers, We learn lots from each other, and if it's not too much to ask, perhaps you yourself would benefit from performing a few actions under the guidance of a natural beekeeper. It should not be too difficult to find one, as so may profess to apicentrism in their approach.
I will not provide further details right now as I am in the process of having myself replaced with another beekeeper, but will let you know when that is finalised.

It is a rather welcome development that natural beekeepers (I am not the only one) should be invited onto such committees, even though I sympathise with the grief and horror this inevitably will cause in certain circles.

Firstly, there is no sarcasm in my post. Parenthesis is a useful tool where things are alluded too without substance.

I find it curious that you would wish to have anything to do with a body that your supporters would not be happy with!

Also, I feel that you and certain other bee-interested individuals with their own take on how beekeeping should be in their opinion, should take a leaf from facilitator training - take a step right back, remove prejudice and preconceptions and revisit a topic from the beginning with up-to-date information. You are so behind the times on the BBKA as an organisation and its vision. But until you take that big step back....

Meanwhile, easy way to find if your statement has any substance :)
Susbees: "I find it curious that you would wish to have anything to do with a body that your supporters would not be happy with!"

Please read carefully. The word was "interested". Very different from "happy"
And have fun with your search, it will not take too long, as some of your mates are no doubt on the same board.
the SUBSTANCE of the NB Trust has just been confirmed by its invitation onto the management board of a new joint Defra/University Bee Health Initiative, invitation gratefully accepted

I understand that there was a recent 'stakeholder consultation' meeting relating to beekeeper attitudes, education, sources of information, etc, under the auspices of FERA's Healthy Bees Plan. All the usual country/region BKA's were invited, including the Bee Farmers, and also Phil Chandler and the NB Trust. My understanding was that this was an information gathering and networking exercise - FOR the project researchers FROM the attendees - and not a project management board meeting as such.

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