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      sipa replied to the thread Butyric rodents.
      Air rifle with a night sight. Or... Those humane killers are brilliant, expensive but...
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      sipa reacted to boywonder's post in the thread Hagens Bees with Like Like.
      I agree with sipa. There is no law against unsolicited emails. Life's too short; if you don't like it, unsubscribe, and don't buy from...
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      sipa replied to the thread Hagens Bees.
      What's not allowed ?? So you are saying that no one is allowed to email anyone who is not invited to do so ? I hate spam too, that's...
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      sipa replied to the thread Hagens Bees.
      I don't quite get why everyone is so upset about recieving an email for new supplier. I do understand the disquiet about shady practices...
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      sipa reacted to Penninetrader's post in the thread Getting old with Like Like.
      There is no law against keeping bees in nuc size stacks, tis my plan. If taking extra time because the supers are full is your only...
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      sipa replied to the thread Getting old.
      It's the same with any task that is proving difficult or overwhelming. Sit back and take time to figure out how to split the task into...
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      sipa reacted to Newbeeneil's post in the thread Confession time. with Like Like.
      Let me tell you a story. Earlier this week I was phoned but a rather well to do lady asking if I could supply some bees, it turns out...
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