Important Announcement About Group Builder

Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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Jul 23, 2009
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As some of you might know Mark set up the forum to encourage free speech and innovation. Something that was singularly lacking in the existing alternative. You may also know that he has considerable family commitments and that one of his daughters is very ill.

He asked me to post this.

“The Forum has moved to a company called Group Builder that runs other beekeeping fora in the USA as well as fora on poultry, homebrew etc in the U.K.

After 12 years of running the forum I felt I needed to move it forward with a way of making it mobile compliant.
Rather than let the forum die without major changes and cost I have handed it over to this company who appear to know what they are doing and have put it in a contract to me that they will never advertise or show adverts to members.

Without major investment I could see no other way forward.

The cost of hosting and making the forum mobile and EU compliant was going to cripple me in both time and money.

With the current family on going health problems I think I have made the best decision for the forums future and it's members.

Thank you for all the support you have given me and the forum and I hope you stay to make it a better and, more importantly, the unique place it was always intended to be.

Sorry Dani,
I'm getting Ad's as a top banner and down the side.
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As a web developer myself I'd just like to say thank you to Mark for sorting this out and that it seems like a good (if difficult) decision for the future of the forum - once all of us stick-in-the-muds get over a bit of a change anyway!
Personally it looks good to me so far! :)
Sorry Dani,
I'm getting Ad's as a top banner and down the side.
Yes. Out of my control. I’m pretty good at ignoring them. If they start appearing in the middle of a thread then that’s the time to complain maybe?
Ah I see Angie has a solution. 😬
@B+ Please give us a try. We have worked with other UK forums and they have no problems.

By the way, you may see that I am new here, and with the new company. I help the current admin/mods and members to adapt to this new software and keep a forum going.

I do understand the misgivings as this is a sudden change, but please try it out for a week or two before having a final decision.
Thanks, Angie
I would like to ask if you know of anyone having an issue logging into the new software tell them to use the Contact Us in the lower right corner of page. This will send me an email so I may help them clear the issues and get back to enjoying Beekeepingforum.


Thank you
This is a great place. Much better than the alternatives. Folk here aren’t frightened of speaking their minds and discussing things beekeeping that are heavily moderated out elsewhere.
Worth giving the change a chance.
Thank you Mark. A big decision and it seems to be working well. I'm impressed the data transferred so smoothly. I hope your family issues resolve agreeably.

I don't care that an American company knows this IP address is associated with bees.

Right, back to the bickering!
I would like to ask if you know of anyone having an issue logging into the new software tell them to use the Contact Us in the lower right corner of page. This will send me an email so I may help them clear the issues and get back to enjoying Beekeepingforum.

View attachment 21299

Thank you
I am getting issues - access to the forum has been sporadic all day, clicking on the 'contact us' button when this was happening just came up with a message saying the forum doesn't exist, i've only just got back on after trying for nearly two hours
Please clear your history and forum cookies so the old address won't try to capture this new address. If you don't do that it may take a day or two for your Internet Provider to consistently recognize this new IP.
Please clear your history and forum cookies so the old address won't try to capture this new address. If you don't do that it may take a day or two for your Internet Provider to consistently recognize this new IP.
I did - completely cleared them
Works good for me and looks much better, fresh.
Adverts disabled no prob.

Thanks Mark and all best to you and family.
best wishes mark for all your family members in my thoughts
Thank you Mark. Discovered this site when I had not had my bees very long. I have found it a great source of useful information and support. I may not post much (still feel I am in the amateur league so my posts are mostly wide eyed requests, well please really, for help) but read often a lot of what is said on here and feel I have learnt a lot. So thank you for your work, fully understand your decision and thank you for helping the site survive and move forward.