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We do not run Tap-a-talk. Xenforo renders fairly well on mobile and you can upload photos via mobile too. We have concerns over the security and privacy of TT.
OK cheers I'll need to cancel my subscription then.
Privacy?? Can we delete our private messages and who can see them??
Last edited by a moderator:
OK cheers I'll need to cancel my subscription then.
Privacy?? Can we delete our private messages and who can see them??

Here, you can delete your private messages and only you can read them. Tapatalk is an unknown and we don't feel comfortable with giving them access to our data including private messages because we aren't fully sure who owns them. They have ties to China and we believe employees there so it's like the same certain that the US Government has with TikTok.
I quite agree. I joined the forum for reasoned, experienced information mostly but not exclusively related to beekeeping, not for some pale imitation of a trendy social media platform. In the unlikely event l were to want that l would not be looking for it on the beekeeping forum.
But Monbees. You get the former. Ignore the latter. It’s just like life, you don’t have to taste it all. So chill.
Chilling depends a bit on whether the new owners lay claim to owning the intellectual property rights to all historical information submitted to Mark's forum prior to its hand over without the consent of the prior posting membership and whether the IP claims extend to private messages. So for example, do the owners now lay claim to the Gasvap who's design was posted on the forum prior to handover or do their claim to IP only relate to posts after handover?
Chilling depends a bit on whether the new owners lay claim to owning the intellectual property rights to all historical information submitted to Mark's forum prior to its hand over without the consent of the prior posting membership and whether the IP claims extend to private messages. So for example, do the owners now lay claim to the Gasvap who's design was posted on the forum prior to handover or do their claim to IP only relate to posts after handover?
I've no idea Karol. My chilling was referring to Monbees ignoring the frippery. Yours is a separate issue
Massive thanks to Mark for keeping this forum going for so long. Best wishes to you and your family.
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Congratulations on the upgrade, I've been there before and it is nerve wracking regardless of how much testing is done beforehand on the side server.

It may not be possible to change this now that it is live however I think certain preference settings might not have been migrated correctly to the new forum. In my case, I hadn't opted for daily emails before and now I'm getting them. I've subsequently switched them off but thought I should mention in case anything can be done from the server side for others.
I see one of your points. I tend to just babble here, rather than post stuff people would want to re-use; but I find some things here very instructive like your breeding data, Karol's wasp knowledge etc.

I'm not sure I agree with your point about links to papers - from what I can see in the T&Cs, the site owners can re-use your link but not the stuff off-site you are pointing to.
So, moderator liking moderator. Why? All sticking together it seems. There are quite a lot of interventions by moderators but perhaps they will calm down when the newness wears off.
We are all new here and finding our feet. Few seem as miserable about it as you.
The only intervention I have made is to edit out some of his post and to to tell Dave Ledger to behave himself. I don't think Emyr has made any.
So, moderator liking moderator. Why? All sticking together it seems. There are quite a lot of interventions by moderators but perhaps they will calm down when the newness wears off.

Hmmm ... are we looking at the same forum ? I can't see any evidence of any interventions of any sort and I thought it all looked pretty calm to me ... goodness knows we have seen some real fun and games on here in the past ... but nothing lately.