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Queen Bee
Dec 13, 2009
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Does anyone else find this term for their bees more than a little creepy?
are you well?
I used to live in Woodhouse Sheffield!
that answers my question then :) lol
Haha. Could be worse, I could be from the Manor!
Yipee. I'm not alone. For a minute there I thought I'd put my foot right in it
Describing bee's as girls always reminds me of a once member of another forum called Chris,he used to become quite unhinged when people described them as girls,he would always make a point of putting these people right in his own sweet way....they are not girls,they are bee's.
I tend to agree with him,but don't find anything creepy about calling them girls.
Aaaaah Chris, i remember Chris, charming individual, what a love, his parents must be so proud.

And sorry Ely, i have called them "Girls", purely a form of endearment on my part.
I once called them little f****** when taking off a few supers for extraction on a warm evening and getting stung because I had shorts on.
I call them girls and yes chris did try to put me right but I dont take no notice. They must be girls cos I cant figure them out either lol. Call them what you like.
its a nightmare, some women on a more4 advert called her cows 'ladies' !!!

time to write in and complain
For me ... not quite creepy, but certainly not right. I'm not quite sure why I recoil so much when people use the word. Is that creepy?!

My wife (so me, too) refer to them as 'ladies'. She asks if I am off to see my 'other ladies'. I still refer to her affectionately as 'my lady' 'cos we lived together a few years before getting married, and at our ages we thought 'girlfriend' and 'boyfriend' was not really appropriate!

Probably better than calling them 'wasps' or 'guys' (the workers).

Regards, RAB
No, if guys- would have tv control in one hand and a beer in the other- must be girls as getting food organised!

My real pet hate :toetap05:- No, more than that - calling children 'kids' - kids are baby goats and little children may be more respected and not abused if they were thought to be children -NOT KIDS- which sounds dismissive to me - ok- off my soapbox
its a nightmare, some women on a more4 advert called her cows 'ladies' !!!

time to write in and complain

I've occasionally called a lady a cow :cheers2:

John Wilkinson
I fear that I, too, have been known to refer to them as 'girls' - or 'ladies'. This is simlpy a recognition of their sex - and given their uncertain temperament and tendency not to see reason, there is no doubt at all about this!

(Think I'll just go and hide in the nearest hornets' nest).
No, if guys- would have tv control in one hand and a beer in the other- must be girls as getting food organised!

My real pet hate :toetap05:- No, more than that - calling children 'kids' - kids are baby goats and little children may be more respected and not abused if they were thought to be children -NOT KIDS- which sounds dismissive to me - ok- off my soapbox

Don't spoil an old joke Heather !. As small people, we used to inform other small people of the birth of a Kid with a goats' head!! and laugh at the look of disbelief on their faces :hat:.

John Wilkinson

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