Where are the wasps?

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None here yet
Clearers under two supers a colony. Will do the rest later in the week. I have two supers clearing off the hive drawing a little attention
Why so late in the season, Karol?
March, April and May had pesistent rain (nearly consistently 200% above average over the whole three months) and June although dry was cold (circa 1.5°C below average).

Wasps find it hard to hunting in the rain or to pulp wood. Preferrentially ground dwelling Germanica struggles with saturated ground. Cold weather compresses the flying day into a shorter duration. Conditions have not been conducive to nest founding or growth.
'Where are the Wasps?' .... They are all over here in my aperary :) .... from zero to nuisance and there I was feeling sympaty for them ... that has evaporated somewhat as never had so many probing the hives and still pulping to boot.
They are all in my garden, shed, garage , apiaries just waiting to pounce as soon as supers are out of the van, I extract or open the hives...
I'm currently running honey from extractor to bucket through two stage strainer. Continuously killing inquisitive intruders.
My wasp traps are filling faster than the supers…..
wasp attractors you mean, surely
Yes, you’re partially right. I once tried traps without attractant and they didn’t work.
Now I use an attractant and do much better.
Placing the wasp attractors at the furthest point on my land, away from the hives, I successfully attract wasps to the traps and relieve the hives of at least some of the problem.
Still only seen a couple around the hives and they’re ignoring my yummy jam & beer concoction. The slugs though are committing suicide on a nightly basis.