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Field Bee
Dec 25, 2008
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By that there Forest
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You lot have all seen this many many times before but it's a novelty to me so I'm going to post them.

These were a 5 frame Nuc that came from Sputnam in Cornwall :cheers2:


Very happy looking frame of bees and brood and gloveless as well. :cheers2:
Very happy looking frame of bees and brood and gloveless as well. :cheers2:

they are indeed pretty chilled out, I wear surgical type gloves, I think being able to feel the bee that I'm about to squueze with my thumb is a good way not to get stung and I havn't........yet :svengo:
Is this one of the £50 Nucs ?

yep, it certainly is, well worth a long drive to pick them up :)

They look like nice clean bees and on new looking frames too.

the top photo is one of the frames that they came on, the wax is pretty black and I intend on working it out and replacing it with new eventually, the bottom is a brand new frame that they have drawn out in the last 2 weeks.
That is a really good price for a nuc. Prices just seem to keep going up and up. I think England seem to charge more for nucs than in Northern Ireland though. Yours being the exception though...ha ha
Sputnam lives as far south west as you can possibly get and understands that the majority of people will have to drive a very long way to pick the bee's up, this has an impact on how much he can charge in comparison to someone in the middle of the country.

I'll be going back to him again at some point, he even makes a cracking cup of coffee :cheers2:
I'm a sucker for pics of bees on a frame.

At this point the obvious noob factor of being able to compare what other people are seeing with their bees does play a part, but I do just love seeing bees on comb.
Nice looking dark bees and a good brood pattern with very few gaps. Are those UK mongrels? The wax on that top frame doesn't look too dirty to me.

Edit just checked, they are local bred uk bees. You should be able to raise a nice queen or two from those.
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Nellie - I'm right there with you, I think we are walking pretty much the same path at the moment, right at the bottom of that learning curve :ack2:

Nice looking dark bees and a good brood pattern with very few gaps. Are those UK mongrels? The wax on that top frame doesn't look too dirty to me.

absolutely, the brood is covering 5 frames like this, the population is going to jump up when they emerge

the wax is pretty black, here's another photo taken on day 1 and shows it a bit better, it was taken with my phone so the quality is a bit pants.

Is that all open brood below the stores ?

I cant remember 100% to be perfectly honest but in the top right hand corner you can see eggs in a couple of the cells.

I think it may well be the same frame thats in the first photo but 12 days earlier.

do you see anything wrong with it then?
In the bottom right, its hard to tell but is that pollen? If its brood it looks like sunken cappings to me, the picture its a bit obscure.

Busy Bee
Thank goodness for that. I thought for a moment it might have been just me. I see stores, bees and pollen. I wish I had your eyesight to see eggs. Copying the picture and blowing it up, i did see two whitish marks towards the top right, but the positioning and size suggest some sort of reflection and not eggs. At life size eggs can be difficult to see, at the resolution given it is sort of impossible.
is that pollen? If its brood it looks like sunken cappings to me

That's pollen. The frame in question looks like a honey frame which had winter stores which the bees have been uncapping. All perfectly normal. There may or may not be eggs there but I can't see any. There is probably a little patch of brood under the group of bees. I think you can just see at the bottom of the frame.
Hi Guy's

I have just blown the photo up to x400 and the specks in the top right open cells are NOT eggs.



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