Mild Nosema?

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Jan 8, 2020
Reaction score
Bracklesham Bay, West Sussex
Hive Type
Number of Hives
It's a fairly fluid thing.... more than 10, less than 15
One hive inspected today (currently on its own in an out apiary) with what looks like low level Nosema. Splats are only on the outside of the hive, nothing on the frames.
They’re a recently hived nuc - 5 frames of BIAS, queen laying well. They came low on stores (which I knew) so they had thymololised 1:1 syrup for a week.
I hived them & gave them a wet super last week as weather is good.
Cleaned the front of the hive with washing soda solution and came home to read what to do.
I found some old threads where @Finman says that nosema is present in all hives and low level outbreaks will pretty much sort themselves out by summer.
Any other advice?


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I wouldn't worry. They had some thymol syrup and that is good against nosema. Nosema is only one cause of dysentery, which results in splats. Nosema can only be accurately diagnosed by microscopy. See what happens now the weather has improved.
I found some old threads where @Finman says that nosema is present in all hives and low level outbreaks will pretty much sort themselves out by summer.
Any other advice?
I wonder if I have said that nosema is in all hives.

In several hives perhaps but not all.

I have seen the precence because brooding is difficult to start in spring. Bees cannot make food juice to larvae. Bees did not eate the pollen patty what I gove to all hives.

When I have given a comb of emerging brood from a normal hive to a sick hive, 2/3 out of sick hives started feed brood normally. Sometimes the queen has stopped laying. Sometimes a new queen becomes sick, sometimes not.

What I believe that nosema resistancy has genetiv basic.

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