cheap humbug decorations

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hedgerow pete

Queen Bee
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
UK, Birmingham, Sandwell. Pork scratching Bandit c
Hive Type
one pack of pastle shaded coloured paper from staples and a small band saw equals about two miles worth of paper chains to make up over the next couple of days. and all for £8.

I wa s going to buy the properly made ones until i saw the prices
Good Man Pete, when are you sporting your honorary kilt for the first time?


So tight that he sat down on a piece of coal and stood up to reveal a diamond.
So tight he only breathes in.
So tight that if he drops a coin he headbuts it on the way down.

Petes kids - dad can I borrow a fiver?
Pete - three quid! What do you want this quid for eh?

Tighter than a whales arse and that's watertight at depth.
I've just watched the first of Robert Peston's "How the West screwed up their economies" programmes. Made being tight look like the greatest of virtues.

i dont know about being tight, i have still to work on that..................alot

great fun though making them up, sending a handfull over to the grandson to do aswell.

the other thing is after humbug i can just bin the lot rather than trying to store them all year
Good Man Pete, when are you sporting your honorary kilt for the first time?



Hedgerow tartan >>>>
True I suppose. If you were that tight you would have used recycled newspapers. Free. Unless you're wrapping presents in that. Or wiping your arris with it. I have a mate (did have a mate) who is tight with everyone but himself. Goes to the loo when it's his round. Has an emergency call when it's his round. Travels miles out of his way to visit so be can stay for free instead of a b & b. I just asked him one day why. At first he was shocked. Shocked that anyone realised. His GF was bought an amethyst point for £20.00 for Christ as. And he bought himself a shotgun for £750.00. So anyway when I said that everyone knew he broke down and cried and said he just thought he had been totally discreet. Lol. Quite amazed me then. Gawd I said - discreet er no your so tight you've started drinking you're own tears without realising. And we stopped being friends after. If he had not known I could have been. But to tactically aim for tightness that is just appalling. So if you are tight - everyone knows it. Just so you know lol.
being UB40 at the moment i am daft as it sound quite enjoying being tight, i mended the garden fence with some bits of timber from a skip, i love skips, that cost me a handfull of screws and half an hour with the battery drill rather than a few new panels which is what i was going to do.

coloured paper chains to me is a blast from the past we used to do the at school as nippers and take them home. they dont look to bad realy. i was thinking eco not tight, no carbon foot print from china for the plastic ones, shame about the rainforest that supplied the paper though, ha ha ha ha
being UB40 at the moment i am daft as it sound quite enjoying being tight, i mended the garden fence with some bits of timber from a skip, i love skips, that cost me a handfull of screws and half an hour with the battery drill rather than a few new panels which is what i was going to do.

coloured paper chains to me is a blast from the past we used to do the at school as nippers and take them home. they dont look to bad realy.

being frugal should never be mistaken for being tight. The first allows for things to 'get done' when otherwise they might not, it may also open an opportunity to save money which can then be used for something else. The second, well I don't think that's constructive at all; the way I see it is that it's all in the mindset. Tight would be no decorations.
the other thing is after humbug i can just bin the lot rather than trying to store them all year

That's not tight! We used to make our own, then keep them in the loft... for YEARS!
Eco ECO omg. What about the earth being cleared for china clay to give your paper a nice sheen. You're not tight cause you bought the screws. Petrol to shops to get screws. Parking costs wear and tear etc. If you were tight you would have pegged it with wooden pegs etc. Or would that be accomplished, talented, skilled etc. Hmmm dunno.

Skyhook - at least you had a loft.

Winker - don't encourage Pete with cross dressing. Seriously this forum is getting a worrying trend for trannies. First theres Mark now Pete. It's all going less Hugh FW and more Kirsty Alsop with a dash of channel 4. Pete I'm sorry to say after seeing your vids a kilt would not be a look you could carry off. You would look like a gift wrapped haggis. You're too stumpy. Or you're as tall laying down as when you're stood up. Not saying you're fat but your sporran would arrive 10 seconds before you're ar5e.
pete your not tight THIS is tight i repaired some fence panels earlier this year walked over the industrial estate spoke to a guy about some 3m long pallets got him to deliver them for some honey (1 jar) stripped them down saved the nails and straightened them made the panels nailing them with the saved nails problem was when made they were to heavy to lift had to get the neighbours to help now that is tight and frugel :D:D:D
Hehe glad you liked Pete. Petra? Erm anyhow - my mom says - pffffffff that's not tight she used to know a woman who sent her son round Romford Market to pick up all the fruit and veg that had rolled off stalls. Sometimes the stall holders would take pity on the lad and give him some. Then his mom would beat him for stealing because she couldn't believe anyone would give stuff away. So all the thrown rotten fruit etc. Now THAT'S tight and tight for her beating. See what I did there - two uses of the same word. Anyhow.

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