Beekeeping Forum 1st anniversary soon !

Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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Drone Bee
Mar 27, 2009
Reaction score
Birmingham UK
Hive Type
Number of Hives
8 ish
Looking back through some of the older threads I noticed Widdershins was the first poster apart from Admin (who doesn't count 'cause he set it up, so he would be first, wouldn't he :)).

Many thanks to Mark/Admin for all his hard work and dedication so far which has produced an outstanding facility for beekeeping knowledge and camaraderie.

Not that it's particularly relevant but the forum statistics shown on the home page give these figures for BF and BBKA forums (since inception I think?) and this forum's only been going 10 months.

BBKA forum : Threads: 3,178, Posts: 30,948, Members: 1,991, Active Members: 453

Beekeeping forum : Threads: 2,261, Posts: 25,118, Members: 1,202, Active Members: 1,202

Having recently enjoyed an 'eyeball experience' with Widdershins, and several other forum members including Fris, Gandalf, Polyanwood, and H Pete (at the 'Brummie Temple' - the Bee Shed), I am wondering whether a few regional gatherings for a 'meet and greet' occasion might not be one way to mark the success and spirit of this forum approaching the end of it's first year of existence.

Anyway, - thank-you again Mark for all your work, getting through the first year with such outstanding success must mean we are all doing something a little bit right.

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Yes, thank you Mark for a wonderful forum.
It's always moving forward in lots of aspects and you manage it with such genuine care of communication and efficiency.
I like this forum for the friendliness and the fraternity it creates between me and all you other beekeepers.
The topics are never stagnant and all the content is great reading.

I'm up for some day meet and greets if only people were this far south!:(
Widdershins and Polyanwood both joined on the first day, I was the next day as the link got very quickly removed from the BBKA forum and I couldn't find the address.

To be fair I think the active members numbers is just the members numbers as some who join never post, and some have been lost by the wayside, however it is a lot more active and vibrant on here. Threads can meander and there is plenty of joviality and a sometimes a touch of smut........not by me though I hasten to add.............:)

I have a vision of Admin I would like to share:-


Thanks Admin for all your hard work

I'll second, third or whatever those above. Thanks a huge bundle, Admin.

A newer member but I would like to pass on my experiences - for what they are worth (and each is worth what it cost).

I tried the BBKA forum, still a member, I suppose. Found the beefarmers site which rapidly curled up and went private ('cos of the environmentalist groups?) and then landed here. Fab.

Regards, RAB
Great forum

Keep it up Mark, but without it members it would just be Mark on his own, so realy it is the members that have done it!

Well done all:cheers2:

Looking back through some of the older threads I noticed Widdershins was the first poster apart from Admin (who doesn't count 'cause he set it up, so he would be first, wouldn't he :)).

Not wanting to split hairs but I was the first poster on this forum
Hear hear to all the congratulation to Admin for this forum. :hurray:

But also a congrats to all the active members who have made this such a fun forum (as well as somewhere to get answers/views etc) and a pleasure to be part of. :seeya:

Er when is the actual birthday???

Great forum

Not wanting to split hairs but I was the first poster on this forum

Ahh but, that was a 'test post' - not a real post- so you get tarred with the same brush as Admin/Mark Ha Ha.

However we should all applaud your invaluable "First Test Post" Markbee, - without you, er, ..... someone else would have had to do it. ;)

Just kidding, well done "founder member", JC.
a bit premiture!

C'mon James. He did say "this forum's only been going 10 months."

I reckon I know why. He wanted to get his post on before me, for a change.

Regards, RAB
So actual JCBrum, great for remembering, but you are a bit premiture!

There are only six more week-ends between now and the anniversary, just enough for folks who wish, to get organized, and I did say ' and 'soon' and '10 months'

Come on, wake up at the back there ! ;)
Bu**er, he beat me to it that time !
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thanks to mark for doing all his hard work and allowing a hairy builder with little hair to put his videos somewhere other than painfull places

as for the meet and grete stuff money allowing i would be up for one or two weekend days away from the production studios.
there is one thing can i bring the camera and my sequins
Must've had the wp warmed up ready....................:)



Hi good-looking,,,, what ya got cooking ? ...... How's about ԓ ԓ ԓ ԓ ԓ ԓ ...... ;)

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as for the meet and grete stuff money allowing i would be up for one or two weekend days away from the production studios.
there is one thing can i bring the camera and my sequins

Hey Pete, you could do a Round Britiain tour, calling off at members homes and shooting some videos
I have only been here a few weeks, but it feels like home. :)

Long may this forum live. thanks to Mark and all the members! :cheers2:
Yes, I echo all of the thanks to admin - its such a lovely place here, made so by both members and admin. We work together as a team so.....:grouphug:

So, when/where are the regional meets gonna take place?? Who is brave enough to volunteer? Is it going to be a) meet up in a local hostelry b) meet up in a members apiary or what? Will JC pop along to each and every meet, picnic basket in tow......
How can this be achieved?????
(Answers on a postcard to JC!!!!) :cheers2:
This is the only bee forum I have ever been on, so I don't know what the others are like, I have no need to go elsewhere, that pretty much sums up for me how good this forum is, thank you to everyone for just being there, it is very comforting to know when I get stuck I can get answers, which hopefully means I don't ask too often.
thanks to Admin, and all the knowledgable folk on here, it's a lovely site, and well worth supporting financially as well as physically!!

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