Beginners Start Here draft

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Is there a way of making them read it before posting lol

I'm actually wondering whether the 'Sticky Threads' area would be better renamed "FAQs". Combine that with a 'sticky' link in this forum, and it might go quite a long way ...
I'm actually wondering whether the 'Sticky Threads' area would be better renamed "FAQs". Combine that with a 'sticky' link in this forum, and it might go quite a long way ...
or a 'beginners, please read this before posting on the forum' title?
oh, and I agree with the 'glossary of terms' idea.
sorry if this is making the document ever longer............................
It's very good.

Sourcing bees
You can buy bees from the principal suppliers, at auction, from fellow hobbyists or you can keep your fingers crossed that a swarm lands in the bait hive you’ve just set up.

Could there be a little explanation of what a bait hive might be, or maybe a link to a thread that explains, discusses, or says how to make one and where to site it? This is because it's only mentioned the once.

I've read about Smith hives, and Dartington. I'm not sure how popular they are though, but is it worth adding them to the list? If nothing else they'll attract search hits.

Is there a way of making them read it before posting
No, because if other people are the same as me, they'll end up here via a search engine list, landing on a single thread. Then, once registered will look mostly at the 'New Posts' or delve into the archives using the forum search, so rarely look at the individual forums.

On some forums the admin / mods have links to stuff like this in their signatures, would that get it noticed?
I think this is a great idea, but its getting on for a small novel. The ideas that are being thought of now could be encompassed quite quickly with a final thing being added. And that is a link/part of the introduction whatever, explaining exactly how to search for subjects within this forum. The search facility is great. Now i know how to use it properly. To use it properly I had to learn what I needed to look for. And to know what I needed to look for I needed a glossary of terms. I remember when I was struggling one day, someone else had the same problem. Admin came in and said that there was one. I did find it but it was not very in depth. Things like the abbreviations and what they all mean etc.... So how to search effectively and the rest is all here on the site. Many times over would be my guess. After all are we giving new comers some help, or are we trying to be lazy and avoid having to bring them up to speed here. And we certainly dont want what I am certain will happen .... New post "Which Hive" Hi, I have read the post newcomers etc but I am still confused ...... to then be pounced on by the newly self appointed thread police. And dont say it wont happen lol. Not being negative, but you all made it here in tact. This is a guide that MA has taken the time to write to welcome, not a manual of required reading followed by a test of worthiness. And when you keep repeating things to us newbies, it makes you remember it, discussion happens and ideas come of it.
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There are lots of on-line beekeeping glossaries.

I like this one, even if it is US:

I have not found a glossary containing the term "brood box"!

I think this is also a good introduction for someone with no background at all to get their eye in. Probably removes the need to say much about types of hive:
Firstly, thank you all for your replies and comments. I've incorporated all of the spelling and grammatical corrections and most of the content recommendations.

I've tried to keep away from making it any longer, although I have put in further links to other discussions on the forum and elsewhere - the one thing I didnt want to do was to try and create a How To Keep Bees thread, Mr Hooper is a bit better at that.

I have added a small para on stings and allergic reactions, as we do get the occasional "I'm allergic and would like to keep bees" query

I also tried to keep in mind that this is for people who have not yet got bees, which is why there is no detailed discussion about diseases (hopefully they will get that from books and courses). May someone wants to do a "So you've just got your first colony" post!

The final version will shortly be put in the sticky section for Mark to deal with as he sees fit
Nice work MA.
One thing I am often asked is "what will it cost to get started?" I know this is like "how long is piece of string" so I usually guide them towards the 2 big suppliers online sites and let them work it out for themselves. (your kit list looks fine).
Liking this MA, nice job! Best order an extra large astro hood

not worthy
love the work.

Bee keeping is like having an allotment.
You will not get loads of free honey/veg.
It's a lot of hard work, can be fantastic or heartbreaking.
The more you do it the more complicated it seems to get.
When things come together the first honey/new potato/cucumber/strawberry make it all worthwhile and the bad times are forgotten.
AND its better than watching TV

Great Document

I dont think you should mention a hive suppliers name and say they have the best value product as this may only be the case at the time you make the original post.

Great Document

I dont think you should mention a hive suppliers name and say they have the best value product as this may only be the case at the time you make the original post.


I did wonder about that, and also if it was fair not to mention HM and Tom Bick as the makers of fine hives. Decided in the end to leave the budget info in as it is potentially a big help to new starters and which can be edited later if it ceases to be - and if the newbeek wants to go for a classier model they will spend some time and effort finding out their options.