Visited one of my friend's apiaries today, it used to be a good site but we abandoned any further hope of queen rearing there, too many orange bands appearing in the last couple of years and temperament is not what it used to be. None of the colonies were outright mean but leaving the combs, jumping on fingers and making a fuss, enough to be a nuisance (the worst) most were acceptable, others not and that would include a Buckfast colony who also made a big fuss. I put this down to the drop in temperature and the wind beginning to pick up, as I was getting a bit cold in my ventilated suit. Then we opened the next hive, a 2020 queen raised at his home apiary, bees are black as coal and hardly moved on the combs, this is the same for all his colonies raised in that apiary. There was another nicely behaved colony, a blue queen again, descended from one of Ceri's, these are mostly orange banded now.
Whereas I don't think you can guarantee gentle from gentle, I think that could be said regardless of their colour. I once had a black queen with a colony that were almost all orange and they were absolute darlings. Her daughters were literally Jekyll and Hyde (kept one, didn't keep her sister)
Up at the farm, we have some lovely colonies and some who are nice enough, 3-5 on a scale of 1-5 but that could all change like it has before.
Anyway, found charged cells in one and we finished marking the queens before it rained.