Scaffolding planks for hives

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Field Bee
Apr 3, 2011
Reaction score
East Devon a bit of a green desert!
Hive Type
Number of Hives
Anyone ever tried these to construct hives? I'm sure this question has come up before, but I've just been given a load of short lengths long enough to use in hive construction. They appear to be about the right width and, baring the warping danger, should work. I also believe they are not pressure treated.
With cedar so expensive I thought I'd give them a go, any thoughts?
I would have thought they would be a bit thick and heavy
Ideal for top bar hives provided they haven't been treated recently.
I built a 'National' brood box last year when I found myself 1 short. A quick-n-dirty job, there was a swarm waiting to be hived. Cut to size with a circular saw, simple butt joints on the corners, nailed together with slim 4" galvanised nails. I used a mallet and chisel to take out a rebate of about 1/2 plank width on the appropriate two sides to take the frame ends. I nailed in castellated metal frame spacers to finish the job. -I will measure it if you wish to proceed.

It has worked well, and is in use again this season.
as long as the internal sizes are correct,it won't mater what you make a hive out of.
What you have to think of is how much will it weigh when full of honey.
Yes, I did consider the weight issue, especially when full. However, as I'm still fit -ish I'll trade off the weight for a little more insulation in the winter (and more wood for old woody to try and get through if I forget the cage!)
Yes please Viridens, the figures would be a help
Cheers Alasdair

I'll get my tape measure out and tomorrow & send you a pm.
It very much does matter what material you use, as proven failures are fibreglass and concrete.

I've just made a topbar hive with them. But made it square sided and put national frames in it.

I'm going to see how it goes this year
Oh I forgot about how fun this forum was.

Sure it a horizontal brood frame national hive
Nothing wrong with a long deep hive - my first hive (which 13 years on is still going strong) was an LDH. Bees love them and really easy to use -- I need a fork lift truck to move mine !
The gardeners beehive is made from scaffold planks. The design is plank top to bottom if you ask me.

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