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      Beesnaturally reacted to Mint Bee's post in the thread Mail Order Queens with Like Like.
      from your web site I believe. Doesn't seem to support the argument for non interventional natural selection you put forward We have...
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      Beesnaturally replied to the thread Mail Order Queens.
      Why don't you make one up? Try this: (Imagine...) For many years you have bred alsatians. In all that time you have successfully...
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      Beesnaturally replied to the thread Mail Order Queens.
      What makes you think I think that?
    • B
      Beesnaturally replied to the thread Mail Order Queens.
      I agree; but we have choices. Both communally and as individuals we can choose to ignore the harms we are casually capable of, or try...
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      Beesnaturally replied to the thread Mail Order Queens.
      Its not just 'survival of the fittest. Natural selection constantly hones wild population toward an optimal state. The 'fitter' the...
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      Beesnaturally replied to the thread Mail Order Queens.
      I agree wholeheartedly. Where we differ is that I believe that treating and importing bees are high horse behaviours. They diminish...
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      Beesnaturally reacted to warsaw_hive's post in the thread Mail Order Queens with Like Like.
      The problem is not where it's posted, but the fact that: a) people can't read and b) find it impossible to accept that people can have...
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      Beesnaturally replied to the thread Mail Order Queens.
      Sadly, being a highly successful beekeeper doesn't automatically mean you are doing no harm. There are many highly successful farmers...
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      Beesnaturally replied to the thread Mail Order Queens.
      Well, let's look at the context. This is how i would cast things: Natural selection is what happens when people aren't involved...
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      Beesnaturally replied to the thread Mail Order Queens.
      It's about free living bees, not buckfasts. Buckfasts were just used to illustrate a point.
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      Beesnaturally reacted to pargyle's post in the thread Mail Order Queens with Like Like.
      Probably best left here for the time being ... if he wants to start a new thread in the general section ... there's too much TF stuff in...
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      Beesnaturally reacted to Swarm's post in the thread Mail Order Queens with Like Like.
    • B
      Beesnaturally replied to the thread Mail Order Queens.
      This looks like a good start. Would you agree? Note...
    • B
      Beesnaturally replied to the thread Mail Order Queens.
      Hey, I asked the the question. If you want to fill me in I'm all ears. Not that I'm that interested. When I see breeders (of any race...
    • B
      Beesnaturally replied to the thread Mail Order Queens.
      I guess that answers my question.
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