A good site is a premium, I've had some that proved to be poor and others that were not worth the hassle involved. Our best site by far is the farm and I consider myself truly blessed as the landowner is the kindest, most genuine man I've ever met.
The farm belonged to his Grandfather before he acquired it in 1978. There used to be a small colliery onsite that closed in 1905, the shaft and winding gear would have been about 200 yards from the farm house. Nowadays it's mainly pasture with countless hedges and wooded areas, early forage from the Willow and a 32 acre field of Dandelions on the hill behind. The outlook is beautiful.
The bees had always been on the farm but I wasn't aware. When I went to ask about an apiary site, he showed me the hives in his garden so I apologised and was ready to leave but he was having none of it. We found a great spot which has since grown and expanded, we also transferred the hives from his garden. He refuses to accept anything as rent and we split the bill for kit, so come the sales, I buy the stuff and forget to mention some of it

I Have some spare boxes but need a few more to finish replacing his ancient brood boxes. Left half the bottom rail behind when lifting one hive this year.
I would say the apiary is now a bit too big, albeit due to over Wintering nucs, we need to consider moving maybe half of the hives to a new site and free up some stand space but the farm will still be used for mating nucs.
Apart from two episodes over the years, the bees have remained (or reverted back to) a black bee. We had good results from the samples we had checked and I see the same behaviour/characteristics when compared with our Amm colonies but they consistently recorded lower varroa drops.
I'd be interested to hear how you get on. All our Amm queens produced quiet, productive bees.
Native queens from Ceri (mbc) produce some especially gentle bees. Far from runny, these little darlings need to be encouraged to move on the comb.
My friend tried a Cornish queen a few years ago but she was superseded.