I *was* talking about modern times. Bees survived very well in Europe until humans infected them with foreign diseases and pests by moving colonies around the world.
I *was* talking about modern times. Bees survived very well in Europe until humans infected them with foreign diseases and pests by moving colonies around the world.
I *was* talking about modern times. Bees survived very well in Europe until humans infected them with foreign diseases and pests by moving colonies around the world.
yes, we should never have allowed the IOW ferry to dock at portsmouth then A.m.m wouldn't have been wiped out in the early 20th centruary from most of England by I.O.W disease
You could just as easily argue bees are net beneficiarys of human interference, as weve spread them around half the world.....
Think theres an evens chance man brought them into uk as well.....should we deport them all or Build a wall
Did you try asking whoever wrote the article?
yes, we should never have allowed the IOW ferry to dock at portsmouth then A.m.m wouldn't have been wiped out in the early 20th centruary from most of England by I.O.W disease
No, I had only just stumbled across the article, but the rest of it's claims are well referenced. the claim that Amm's are better at overwintering is one I've heard a lot:
The distinctive climate pattern of the North western boundary of Europe is lower light levels , from both from the latitude and cloud cover. Their natural abode of trees makes the temperature in the depth of winter less of an issue.
in addition is the higher rainfall and lower temperature in SUMMER
One would expect A.m.m. to cope better with cool cloudy rainy conditions for foraging. Success in summer makes for winter survival.
Do you realy think purging flights are an issue when you consider the wide use of Italian bees in the likes of Canada and our very own Finsky whos bees sit indoors for months happily without a crap
My experience of their wintering was that it could be poor and at times really poor. There is the propaganda and the reality.
I can think of three beefarms who switched a bit quick from them after on winter when allegedly one of the units went from over 1000 colonies to a handful.
I am not knocking your stock as I have no knowledge of them. I am pointing out that there can and have been issues with the bee. It's quite wrong to say there are no problems and put them on a pedestal BIBBA style. Most have never had any experience of them including BIBBA.