Its still very cold in Sweden so no point to open up the hives yet. BUt now is the time to prepare the coming season and a triple hive for extra queens/nucs is something I can warmly recommend to build. It is always a good thing to have soem extra queens ready since things always happens, perhaps you lost a queen or you killed one by mistake or she stops laying egg. And if anything happens late in the season then there is no time to make new queens. WIth this triple hive its easy to create some extra spares and since we use same combs as in our real hives its easy to add a comb of honey if needed and combine one nuc with a hive that need a new queen. If anyone want the assembly instructions you find it here: It is in Swedish but i translate on request, although the images and dimensions given should be enough. This one is made for LN but it is a simple task to adjust to any comb size.
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