Unripened Honey.

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Drone Bee
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
Dordogne 24360 France
Hive Type
Number of Hives
16 a mix of Commercial, National, 14 x 12, Dadant and a Warre
Last September I removed a super (to give Apiguard) which had a small quantity of uncapped honey (9lbs). Rather than give it back or store it I extracted it. It tastes wonderful and so far has not shown any sign of fermenting but it is very runny. Is there any way I can evaporate some water off and thicken it without ruining the taste?
Regards Mike
Hi Mike
If it tastes great, why do anything to it ? is it Borage honey ?

Some of my supers were uncapped, i shook the frame to see if anything came out, but it was all good, i have been taught that that is still harvestable (is that a word?)
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That 9lbs was the only honey I got this year:( I spent the season increasing from 1 to 4 colonies AND changing from National to Commercial brood boxes so most of the harvest was used by the bees drawing foundation.)

Sorry off topic - I am trying to make my meager crop last until next season so the last thing I want it to do is ferment.:cheers2:Mike
MJ we have no hangups or problems with going off topic here,all part of the fun reading.

We can always split a post or start a new thread if need be at the end of the day:cheers2:
Hi Mike

Just get on and use the honey and ENJOY it, and if it ferments you will enjoy it even more:cheers2:
Duh - why didn't I think of that!!

Thanks Hivemaker Regards Mike
I did not just say in the fridge as you highlighted,also says freeze,i freeze over 1000 combs each year. below 10c the natural yeast in the honey is very unlikely to ferment. how warm is your fridge.
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I did not just say in the fridge as you highlighted,also says freeze,i freeze over 1000 combs each year. below 10c the natural yeast in the honey is very unlikely to ferment.

I know you suggested freeze as well. . . . . but things will go mouldy and ferment in a fridge if left for long enough.

how warm is your fridge.

and there's no need to be sarcastic :toetap05:

I notice you freeze yours . . . . . . . actions speak louder than words

Do you know how to ripen unripe honey? unlikely to ferment in a jar in a cold fridge,or go mouldy,even at moisture content of 22%.yeast cannot grow. and i freeze whole supers,would not fit in fridge.

So don't be sarcastic,haha (words) are better than action.
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Calm down guys,MJ the member who started the thread has only just joined us,show him how nice we can play ;)