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"compared to what? .. if the inside of the hive around the bees is below 20C, yes ,but if above 20C no"

I'll change that to "just what MY bees ordered", in wooden non insulated nationals with mesh flooors.
And thanks for the unnecessary head banger by the way.
Glad my bee's are in warm poly hive's :). About 4 inches in Hereford last night coming down fast too. Not sure whether to clear the snow of them tomorrow.
Only kidding Norton, just a wee bit jealous, its not all bad news here at least its stopped raining:calmdown:
"compared to what? .. if the inside of the hive around the bees is below 20C, yes ,but if above 20C no"

I'll change that to "just what MY bees ordered", in wooden non insulated nationals with mesh flooors.
And thanks for the unnecessary head banger by the way.

didnt mean any offense, its just that the half truth gets a lot more air time than the full truth, and it can lead a lot of people to do the wrong things.
-5C overnight.

4-6 cms of snow fell this morning in 2 hours. Went to shop in Stoke on Trent - which has more hills than a hive has mites - and the snow on roads varied from 4cms to 20cms where it had drifted in the wind.

Drivers ranged from " I can't drive more than 1 mph" in these conditions" to the "if your car wheels spin on snow add more revs so they spin faster".. Took a back route hone - than goodness for traction control or I would be stuck half way up a hill...
About 3cm here. 0˚ with a bitter easterly wind blowing in the odd flurry.
I put extra food out for the little birds, now my garden is full of squabbling Starlings.
No overnight frost last night, bit of slushy snow today, not enough to settle,now turned to rain.
Really fine drizzle type snow here last couple of hours, settling on the residues from earlier in the week. More and heavier forecasted for later..............we will see
Pete D
This is our weather -

My floors have underfloor entrances :) have done for a couple of years now . I removed the landing boards last year but left in place for the winter this year!
How do you prevent the peanuts rolling out of the feeder ?
Be a little warmer under the layer of snow .About 32 I reckon \\;0
Now I remember why I left the UK to live in Cyprus. Medium range forecast for February and March is for slightly higher than normal temperatures and about 50% of normal rainfall.