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-6C overnite
-2C now
-7C forecast overnite.

Not a (live) bee to be seen.

If the "anti feeding sugar " brigade on another thread had their way my bees would be extinct.
-6C overnite
-2C now
-7C forecast overnite.

Seems that it may be set to stay this way until early February, according to Piers Corbyn of who forecast the current situation way back in mid-December ...
The bloke uses solar activity rather than barometric data to forecast weather and has a reputation for being 3 weeks ahead of the traditional guys, and a lot more accurate too - although from what I can see his predictions are less detailed/made with a broader brush etc.

If the "anti feeding sugar " brigade on another thread had their way my bees would be extinct.

I think there's going to be a lot of very unhappy idealists come the spring, when they eventually open-up their hives only to find so many dead bees head-first into empty combs.

I think there's going to be a lot of very unhappy idealists come the spring, when they eventually open-up their hives only to find so many dead bees head-first into empty combs.


I hope you are wrong...

But judging by some on the conversations on the Biobees site, I think you are not...

Mind you compared to the 2010-2011 winter so far this one has been very mild so far.. That winter we saw -16 to -18C at night for a full 8 days... the impact on your skin is quite unforgettable - and both my TBHs survived despite a 12cm stalactite of condensate handing from the end of one hive.
I had to go to the post office today so I left a note saying "may be gone some time"
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Quite mild with no frost overnight, mild, dull and overcast most of today....snow forecast over night tonight though.
Red snow alerts in some areas.

Is that preferable to yellow snow?
It's been cold today in Teesside/Middlesbrough, when cleaning the ice off the cars this morning it was -7,when I got to work one of the girls I work with only 10miles away the temp had dropped to -14,then I spoke to a fostercarer I support who lives in an area called bilsgate,approx 20miles away,the temp had dropped to minus 20 ! Hydraulics on all of the farm machinery had frozen,she also said chicken eggs had exploded , not sure if she was pulling my leg with the eggs though.
I fed my bees fondant the week before last and I am hoping it was just enough to get them through this cold spell.

Praying for some warmer weather
Atb Pete
nice sunny day in Barnet North London but minus 2c with snow still around, i await the blizzard if it comes!
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Some good cold weather at last. Just what the bees ordered at this time of the year. Less stores being consumed.
I did my OA today, nice tight cluster. Did a little pottering around and I could swear I saw a drone go into my hive. Big ugly black bugger.
Sorry guys me and my big mouth :spy: i think at this point we should spare a thought for our poor unfortunate colleague in Cyprus who will be bravely battling on under the blistering sun moving all those hives, finishing the day on the beach forcing the last mouth full of steak down (not horse) cooked to perfection on the barbeque, all washed down with a pint of the local brew, then taking a cooling dip into the crystal clear azure blue waters of the mediterranean sea, we are thinking of you Norton, like i said in an earleir post "what goes round comes round," and it certinaly has, wish i was there:sorry:
Whilst away on a skiing trip in Switzerland I spotted a Beehaus!
It's at approx 1200m altitude and hopefully I will get a chance to go closer and take some more photos!
I'm quite interested in how they keep bees in the mountains as I believe the snow can stay until March/April and right now it's -15 C outside!

Out of interest the local honey is being sold at the equivalent of £10 for 500g!
this hive has hot breath
