Stop VAT on beekeeping equipment

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New Bee
May 21, 2009
Reaction score
Would any members like to add their name to my petition? Basically I think it is scandalous that you have to pay VAT on beekeeping equipment.

If you want to add your name, go to this link

Don't forget to click on the email confirmation you'll get after you fill out your details, otherwise your name won't appear.

Thanks in advance.
I think VAT is scandaleous full stop.

Why should beekeeping be treated differently to say golf? Both involve services and so attract VAT.

Sorry but I am not signing.

Yes it should be banned on everything,start a petition to do that,or get vat registered,then you can be an unpaid tax collector.
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Well if you own a listed building you are allowed to claim your VAT back on all purchases for the building and since the Bee situation is 'supposed' to be bad then maybe VAT free would not be a bad thing.

Also PH I really dont see the link to the hobby of golf..what does golf put back into the economy (god that really could be a thread and a half, but the comment is meant lightly!).
Perhaps they should double the vat on beekeeping equipment,then the extra money could go for research into the problems with bee's,like the weather,and bad beekeepers. Might even be some left over for mp's to buy some extra light bulbs and acessories for there duck ponds and second homes.
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Golf? Ruination of a good walk? Grown men pushing balls down holes with bent sticks whilst wearing trousers last seen on Rupert the Bear? Chemicalised wastelands........treble VAT on that, and give minus VAT on beekeeping equipment
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PH. Honey is food production and food is exempt. Bees are responsible for some of the food process - maybe they are an extenuating part of that food process and should be exempt too - Food for thought....:grouphug:
Beekeeping is a hobby as is golf hence I picked that as a comparison.

However there is service involved in making bee equipment and so under the current rules it attracts VAT.

Yes bees produce honey I had noticed Heather..... Farmers produce potatoes and they pay VAT. The whole system is insane, and where did it all come from?

Go on........ where?

Until we get Europe sorted out and the piggies that so called represent us there we are stuck with it.

Until the law is changed we have to pay it and I more than probably many of you so I am only too aware of it all.

what a great idea the bees are essential to the country
Hi beadons,
I think the high number of viewings compared to signatures is due to people viewing, having a think, then coming back to vote and subsequently checking on progress. I have viewed this thread 3 times now but only voted once.
Regards Mike
Done. You should also place this on the 'irishbeekeepers' forum on Yahoo. (Its not really for Irish beekeepers, there are very few of them on it, mostly British and few others around the world.)