Statutory duty to report apiaries with Varroosis 🙄 from 21st April

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2021 No. 420
The Bee Diseases and Pests Control (England) (Amendment) Order 2021
29th March 2021
Laid before Parliament
30th March 2021
Coming into force
21st April 2021
The Secretary of State makes the following Order in exercise of the powers conferred by section 1 of the Bees Act 1980(1).
Citation and commencement
1. This Order may be cited as the Bee Diseases and Pests Control (England) (Amendment) Order 2021 and comes into force on 21st April 2021.

Amendment to the Bee Diseases and Pests Control (England) Order 2006
2. In the Bee Diseases and Pests Control (England) Order 2006(2), after article 3 insert—

“Reporting of Varroa mite (Varroosis)
3A.—(1) An owner or person in charge of a hive who knows that any species of the Varroa mite (Varroosis) is present within that hive must give notice of that fact to the Secretary of State as soon as is practicable.

(2) Any other person who discovers in the course of his occupation the presence of the Varroa mite (Varroosis) in a hive, must give notice of that fact to the Secretary of State as soon as is practicable.

(3) A person who gives notice under this article in respect of a hive is not required to give further notices in respect of other hives at the same location.”.

Gardiner of Kimble
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
29th March 2021
Well now, what happens when virtually all persons with bees write to "Mr Kimble" letting him know that varroa exists in their apiary on the 21 April 2021. reckon his mailbox will be pretty full. Glad it only refers to England; the Scotts, Welsh and N.Irish can do something sensible instead.

Yes, In Scotland we can report it to Ben MacPherson: ;)
I just love straightforward descriptors, no beating about the bush. (y)

I only say it as it is. There can be NO beekeepers in England (The IOM is not in England) who do not have varroa.

So the logical reporting system is to report those without varroa. Instead we get the opposite.

(There are of course bound to be a few people who deny their bees have varroa).

Bureaucracy gone mad.
I only say it as it is. There can be NO beekeepers in England (The IOM is not in England) who do not have varroa.
So the logical reporting system is to report those without varroa. Instead we get the opposite.
(There are of course bound to be a few people who deny their bees have varroa).
Bureaucracy gone mad.
That is exactly what was being talked about up here - we shall see.
*I have to chuckle.
It's a paper exercise, many countries already have it, it's just to meet a stipulation of import/export regulations for us in the third world - Murray mcGregor exlained it on here a few weeks ago - it will have no effect on us as, as many have said, all our bees have varroa, and NBU records will show that. - the only people it might affect are those silly souls who have tried to stay under the radar all these years.
*I have to chuckle.
It's a paper exercise, many countries already have it, it's just to meet a stipulation of import/export regulations for us in the third world - Murray mcGregor exlained it on here a few weeks ago - it will have no effect on us as, as many have said, all our bees have varroa, and NBU records will show that. - the only people it might affect are those silly souls who have tried to stay under the radar all these years.
That’s what I said
I wonder how they are going to manage the cohort of beekeepers who don’t treat for varroa and the other delusional lot who believe their bees are healthy and varroa free ?!
And the other population who’s Venn diagram probably inter links with the two groups aforementioned who think their bees died of something else not varroa possibly agri-chemicals or ley lines or solar flares but absolutely not or ever varroa


PS I just heard that it is the bee inspectors job to report on the heck can they expect to get around all colonies every year...!?
I just heard that it is the bee inspectors job to report on the heck can they expect to get around all colonies every year...!?
No need is there? just a quick memo to the head honch in his ivory tower 'dear boss, varroa endemic, every colony in Engerlund is infested.'
Next time I'm at the computer will simply look up who the Secretary of State is and email him to let him know all my hives have varroa, job done and how pointless is that. George Eustice I think. The bit not quoted above is the unlimited fine not reporting is punishable by, a bit over the top.
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