Personnally i think ben is being responsible seeking advice,
Its always important to get on with neighbours etc using scare tactics like 'no defense in court' is rather worrying,
There is always a defense in court and tbh for case to get there regardless of whether someone got stung and went into shock i would think the court would have to show quite strongly that the beekeeper was negligent,
Now if year in year out everyone complained about being stung by angry bees and the beekeeper wasnt doing enough or wasnt looking after his bees (ie letting them swarm or basically not doing any preventative measures) and was basically the neighbour from hell then in that extreme example civil proceedings could start,
In my considered opinion the op has identified a problem asked for advice and advice has been given, slating him isnt helpful or constructive,
To the op;
Hope they calm down for you m8, not much you can do about it this time of year as i wouldnt as others have said disturb them too much at this time of,
also mentioned isto keep on your toes this month/period of the yr;
As always at this time of year beware of strong colonies robbing weaker ones since disease can be spread in this way. If a colony looks as if it’s being robbed then close the entrance down to just a few bee spaces. If that doesn’t work think seriously about uniting it with a stronger colony since a weak colony may well not survive the winter.
Be aware of wasps which become a real pest and will rob out and destroy a colony if given half a chance. Again, close down the entrance to just a few bee spaces. If you know the site of a wasps’ nest whose occupants are robbing then it’s not a bad idea to destroy it before they get a taste for your honey and for your bees.
Wasps and wax moth can destroy a colony in a week.
August is a month to be on your toes!
taken from my local assoc webby, Hives have a lot to contend with at the moment so i believe it would be natural for colonies to show some agression,
good luck m8