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and save the ones we have got?

But continue to import tree's cut from the rainforests of the world, and timbers from other countries,instead of using are own sustainable source of home grown timber.

You mean like all the hardwood trees we grow in the UK?

The things that give many green supporters a bad name is their unthinking support of green ideas with no real thinking about the practical issues involved.. Practically, we have imported spruce and pine wood for centuries as the economics support it.

If we did rely only on own grown wood, the resulting increase in wood prices would lead to an increase in traditional housing costs - or more likely a move to other less traditional products as subsstitutes.. like concrete or steel.

Very green.
I think we're soon in danger of not being able to see the wood for the trees on this.......
People are rightfully worried about "deregulation" - if the fate other things that have been "flogged off" in the past are anything to go by, there's a good chance it will be a disaster, and a detriment to our forests.
As for people screaming "it's political, this is a bee forum" - pretty much everything we do can be construed as "political" - it can reasonably be said that we commit a political act every time we eat (our choice of food, and the way it is grown) - personally, I think ALL the major parties are a ruddy shower who should be horsewhipped regularly -we are at present adjusting to a "new regime", which is already showing the signs of matching or exceeding the depravities of the last lot.....
Was anyone else awake for the farming programme this morning, with Lord Henley (DEFRA) taking a very "BBKA" line on pesticide spraying? - "remove the restrictions, damn good thing, spray everyone's cornflakes twice a day -CPA lovely chaps"
Wish the world weren't "political", sadly they are the b**** who rule us, and should be watched, and in my experience, largely disbelieved, and certainly not trusted...........
sadly they are the b**** who rule us, and should be watched, and in my experience, largely disbelieved, and certainly not trusted...........

I think ALL the major parties are a ruddy shower who should be horsewhipped regularly

Whipping is too good for them....

Public school and all that......

They might like it.....
Umm, sorry not true at all!!

As an eight year old i gathered up a bag of acorns and planted them. The trees are now twenty seven years old and they have been bearing acorns for well over fifteen years. The acorns are viable too as the grey squirrel keeps planting them and they grow.
:iagree: I brought some Welsh Sessile Oak acorns with me to France in 1999. One is now some 15ft tall and has been bearing acorns for 3 years. It does not suffer from the leaf mildew that affects the local French oaks.
It's getting boring!

Stop reading it then....simple solution to your bordom.
Wish the world weren't "political", sadly they are the b**** who rule us, and should be watched, and in my experience, largely disbelieved, and certainly not trusted...........
Well said Brosville, everything you said should have ended this debate. We need trees in this country not only for the bees but for our wellbeing.
Umm, sorry not true at all!!

As an eight year old i gathered up a bag of acorns and planted them. The trees are now twenty seven years old and they have been bearing acorns for well over fifteen years. The acorns are viable too as the grey squirrel keeps planting them and they grow.

That must be the Irish Oak............. Quircus leprichaunus ?

I am talking about the Plymouth Quorn Oak....... Quircus Drakesinaises, used for building many great ships such as the Mispickle the ship that originally took Arsenic to the colonies to kill the cotton bolweavel pest!

Nice to think that as an eight year old you were developing some thought about the planets future !
I agree 100% with you on DEFRA. A track record of abject failure. BSE and then foot and mouth..

As for trees, I suspect that whomever buys the forests will keep growing and cutting. Most of the land is fit for nothing else..
Perhaps they need to raise some money to pay for the excesses of the previous Government?
Trees have been harvested since mankind began.

Around this part of the country its no differant to any other,we have a centre park planned to go into a local wood, on the otherside of the road there is a golf course and has been for a good few years.

We still have large tracks of managed woodland most of it is in private hands, lets face it trees are a cash crop irrespective of who owns it, as others have said woodland is usually on poor grade soil.

Why all the fuss, trees will be around long after we have gone.
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I should also add that behind the golf course is milbrook proving ground and just down the road from this is Marsten vale community forest,the newest and eventually the largest forest in the country.

We are not short of trees and never will be.
I should also add that behind the golf course is milbrook proving ground and just down the road from this is Marsten vale community forest,the newest and eventually the largest forest in the country.

We are not short of trees and never will be.

don't think the new owners will chop them all down... but what else may they want the land for?

Unless the National Trust buy them "for the country!"
don't think the new owners will chop them all down... but what else may they want the land for?

Unless the National Trust buy them "for the country!"

I am sure some of the land will be used for other things, take the two golf courses that Woburn estates built in some of the woodland they own, one 18 hole and a 36 hole = no loose of public acces, more use of land, more employment, and the bit that makes the world go round, more profit from that given area.

I can see why people are suspicious of the state when it comes to selling the assets but in all honesty the F.C. needed a kick up there backside, the one thing they could do was waste money.
Well it not that long ago since the forestry commission were heavily criticised in these parts. Covered the fells with conifers. Just take a look at Skiddaw across the lake from Whinlatter Pass. It's improved now as many complained and they have replaced some of the conifers with deciduous.

Went up to a tarn I fished as a lad a couple of months ago. Three-quarters of fells covered with conifers. They've built a big road right around the fells half way up. Some of the older trees have been felled - more roads defacing the fell fronts to get them out.

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