Puerto Rico Bees - article in New Scientist

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Found this recently in the New Scientist and thought you folk would be interested in it

Chiller bees
Why did the super aggressive killer bees of Hollywood fame suddenly chill out on one tropical island? Ben Turner investigates

After just a decade on Puerto Rico, killer bees like this had lost their famed aggression (TIM MARTIN/NATUREPL.COM)
STEPPING out of his house to survey the destruction, Hermes Conde felt like he had been transported to another world. “It was as if an atomic bomb had hit. Nothing was standing,” he says. “I couldn’t recognise the landscape around my own home.” It was 21 September 2017 and Hurricane Maria had just torn Puerto Rico to shreds.
An estimated 2975 people died in the worst natural disaster the Caribbean island has ever witnessed. From the early hours of 20 September through to mid-afternoon the next day, Maria bisected Puerto Rico like a 100-kilometre-wide buzz saw. It plucked up trees and hurled roofs from homes like Frisbees. The pounding rain sent flash floods, metres deep, rushing into populated areas. Downed trees and power lines blocked the roads. Electricity and water supplies were cut off for months after the storm.
Conde’s first priority was to get petrol for his generator. It would take him 23 hours on foot, but fuel wasn’t the only thing he was looking for. Conde is a beekeeper and along the way he tapped into a network of fellow apiarists trying to discover the fate of their insects. The situation looked bleak. Hurricane Maria had almost annihilated Puerto Rico’s bees, but Conde was determined to rescue the survivors. It may sound like a strange mission in the middle of such chaos, but these are no ordinary bees. They are among the most incredible insects in modern evolutionary history. In just a decade, they have mysteriously transformed from killers to docile honey makers. They may even hold secrets that will help us breed disease-resistant bees in the future.
Their story begins in Brazil, in 1956, with a local geneticist called Warwick Kerr. Honeybees aren’t native to the Americas, and at that time South American nations relied on imported European bees, Apis mellifera. The tropical heat, however, made them sluggish. Monks kept them to provide beeswax for church candles, but European bees were becoming increasingly unable to meet the Brazil’s demands for honey and crop pollination. So Kerr travelled to Tanzania to acquire some East African lowland bee queens for a breeding programme. This subspecies, Apis mellifera scutellata, is notoriously aggressive, but he hoped that by crossing them with their European cousins he could create a hybrid with the docility and honey yield of the European bee and the resistance to disease and heat of the African one. It would just take a little time.
He hadn’t planned for his prototypes to escape, but that is exactly what happened the following year. Fleeing into the rainforest, the hybrids interbred with local honeybees, soon becoming dominant, first in Brazil then across the Americas. News of the bees’ advance was intermingled with tales of their legendary aggression. The truth didn’t need much embellishment. When European bees are provoked, about 10 per cent of hive members will attack, but these hybrid bees often retaliate en masse, emptying the hive in swarms of up to 800,000 individuals. They will give chase for up to half a kilometre and are content to wait it out if their target attempts to hide underwater, continuing the barrage of stings when the victim resurfaces for air. Some people have died in such attacks, not because the bees’ venom is particularly potent, but due to the sheer number of stings.
Hollywood cashed in on people’s fears with a string of horrifying bee movies. Films like The Swarm, Killer Bees and Deadly Invasion: The killer bee nightmare mythologised the insects, which began to spread across the southern US in the 1990s. By this time, “killer” bees had taken root in 20 countries on two continents. Then, at the height of their infamy, a queen stowed away aboard a ship in Texas. She was bound for Puerto Rico.
Hybrid bees were first recorded on the eastern side of the island in 1994. From the start, they were just as quick to interbreed with local bees as they had been on the mainland – and just as aggressive. Records reveal four deaths, including a 2-year-old boy, in the first three years. The authorities were quick to respond. Emergency calls resulted in fire services spraying more than 2000 hives with a soapy solution that asphyxiated the inhabitants. Then, in September 1998, Hurricane Georges hit the island, sending bee numbers plummeting.
It was during the post-Georges recovery that Tugrul Giray at the University of Puerto Rico got involved. He was keen to compare the island’s bees with those in Hawaii, which are of purely European origin. “The weird thing is that we were going up these trees expecting some kind of a fight on our hands,” he says. “We wanted to collect the baddest bees. But they were really just as sweet as can be.” This wasn’t the exception – Giray kept finding hive after docile hive everywhere he looked. Wondering whether the insects might be remnants of the island’s European bees, he decided to carry out some genetic tests. “Even the nicest colonies turned out to be of mixed African and European descent,” he says. “It was a total surprise.”
“By the 1990s, killer bees had taken root in 20 countries on two continents”
It took a few years, but bee numbers eventually rebounded to their pre-Georges levels. Bee attacks, however, did not: these had dropped from 10,000 a year to 600. Giray’s bafflement grew. “We tried to scientifically measure their aggressiveness by kicking the hive or throwing a brick at it,” he says. “Some of them even had zero response. They didn’t want to sting at all.” These insects looked like hybrid bees, but they didn’t act like them. Giray was forced to conclude that, sometime during the decade since their arrival, the once-vicious killers had evolved into bees as docile as their European cousins. Nature had finished what Kerr had started.
“What was the mystery force driving the bees’ remarkable transformation?”
What was the mysterious force driving this transformation? Giray’s first thought was that it had something to do with habitat. Islands tend to have fewer predators than the mainland, but the challenge of island living is to get by with scarcer, seasonally available resources. As a result, species often adapt to focus on energy efficiency and ensuring they have calories for leaner times, making them fat and docile. The turkey-sized dodo, for example, evolved from a small, airborne pigeon that arrived on Mauritius. This “harsh seasonality” could have had a similar effect on Puerto Rico’s bees, forcing them to forage well and pick their battles. Hurricanes would have played a part too, by killing off all but the most skilful hoarders.
There is another possible explanation. Giray’s collaborator, Arian Avalos, now at the US Department of Agriculture, suggested that the bee’s rapid evolution might be connected to the island having the highest human population density of anywhere in the hybrid honeybee’s range. This could have led to unwitting human selection because people regularly encountered hives and those containing the most aggressive bees were systematically destroyed, leaving only the calmer bees to repopulate the isolated island.
Disease-resistant bees
The likelihood is that all these factors played a part. What is truly amazing is that the bees have evolved incredibly rapidly, yet have retained an enormous amount of genetic variation even though their numbers have crashed on several occasions (see “The killer that changed its stripes”, below). The result is a remarkable creature that isn’t just docile, but resistant to disease and good at producing honey.
(HERMES CONDE) A young apiarist helps protect Puerto Rico’s hybrid bees, which are both disease-resistant and good honey producers (MANUEL GIANNONI GUZMAN)
No wonder Puerto Rico’s beekeepers have taken these insects to their heart, and nobody more so than Conde. A lifelong apiarist, following in the tradition of his grandmother, he was also a police captain in the 1990s. He was there when the emergency services were being called out to exterminate killer bees, and he was torn up by their fate. So, after retiring in 2011, he established the Eastern Apiculture Academy. Rather than teaching people about honey production, its sole aim is to protect Puerto Rico’s hybrid bees.
This explains Conde’s activities in the weeks after Hurricane Maria. An estimated 90 per cent of the island’s bees were dead and the remainder needed help – fast. “The bees had lost so many of their homes, and were so hungry that we were finding them everywhere,” he says. “Bins, drink cans, postboxes, dogs’ houses, dolls’ houses, abandoned homes.” With Giray’s assistance, Conde and 30 volunteers worked in shifts around the clock to move colonies to safety. “The most difficult were those hanging from electrical cables, but fortunately I’m a helicopter pilot,” says Conde. In total, they rescued around 65 hives.
This brush with fate has brought Puerto Rico’s bees to the attention of US beekeepers, whose own hives of European bees have been devastated by a phenomenon called colony collapse disorder. The hybrids spend far longer grooming themselves than European honeybees, making them twice as likely to dislodge the varroa mite, a parasite that carries various pathogens and is a factor in colony collapse. As a result, some see Puerto Rico’s bees as a silver bullet that can solve a problem that has plagued beekeepers in the US and elsewhere for a decade.
“The prospect of importing the bees is promising,” says Avalos. But it may not be the solution. “The bees’ adaptability is remarkable, but colony collapse emerged from poor nutrition, pesticides, pests and pathogens. They can handle one of these, but we don’t know how they will handle the others. You can adapt to a higher water level, but you’re not going to grow gills.” Other entomologists share his reservations. They include Marla Spivak at the University of Minnesota, who is breeding varieties of honeybees that are better able to detect and remove pathogens and mites. She thinks Puerto Rican bees would struggle to cope with the intensive agricultural systems, greater urbanisation and high concentration of mites in the US. “What makes Puerto Rico’s story amazing is how they’ve found such a great way of working with their bees,” she says. “The same solution wouldn’t work everywhere. We want multiple great solutions for multiple places.”
Even so, these extraordinary bees will be vital in the future battle to strengthen global bee populations. The next step is to use recent discoveries about how their genome differs from those of their African and European ancestors to isolate the genes responsible for aggression and mite resistance. That work is already under way, and the researchers are very excited at the possibility of uncovering the complex genetics underpinning the bees’ rapid evolution. “By triangulating among African, European and Puerto Rican bees, we could uncover the genetic variants responsible for docility and disease resistance,” says geneticist Gene Robinson at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, who, along with his colleague Matt Hudson, is collaborating with Avalos and Giray. Their work could prove an enormous boon to beekeepers hoping to use genetics to create more resilient bees.
Who knows what the next chapter of this story will bring. But when the protagonist is an insect that has transformed from a killer to a potential saviour in the blink of an evolutionary eye, anything seems possible.

Ben Turner is a writer based in London. Follow him on Twitter @usuallyjustben ■
Large colonies - 800,000 bees!

It seems unlikely that a 'stowaway queen' could found a colony, unless she managed to get into an existing colony and was accepted; more likely that someone imported Africanised queens.
Swarms of Africanized bees routinely show up in new ports after stowing away on board ships. There is a team dedicated to finding and destroying them at Mobile port. Other notorious stowaways include rats, brown snakes, various insects, etc. Entire ecosystems have been devastated by such stowaways. There is extensive commerce via boats traveling the Caribbean.
There’s a couple of videos on YouTube about this subject. Ahb swarms/colonies are regularly found on ships and containers. The Aussies are very hot on container ships coming in.
I have a theory that could explain this. (building on what others have said)

Because Puerto Rico is a fairly small contained environment for bees. With little input of outside genetics. I suspect they don't import loads of queens like us.

This means that the effect of bee keepers constantly selecting for friendlier bees would be more likely to cross over into the wild population.

I would also not be surprised if honey hunting was common place there so the number of wild hives was reduced.

So collectively the Puerto Rico keepers may have done a Brother Adams special and now have their own Ricofast bees.

Obviously this would be harder to achieve the greater the land mass. And would probably increase in difficulty if there was more climate variation.

It was a very interesting and enjoyable read, so thanks for posting it.
Look at the you tube articles it was discovered more by accident, beekeeping very much on a subsistence level with little selection. If you think you can select out scuttelata genes google up the storey of the original introduction and how a couple of dozen queens spread over 2 continents and millions of colonies.
Never buy a swarm of bees...
but some so called Master Beekeepers persist in selling them... even in areas where there have been outbreaks of notifiable diseases.

It would seem that our Costa Rica friends are much more selective!!

Great article BTW... thanks for posting!

Chons da
Interesting snippet from the article. "In just a decade, they have mysteriously transformed from killers to docile honey makers." If I recall correctly JBM mentioned African bees on the African continent weren't particularly aggressive.
Interesting snippet from the article. "In just a decade, they have mysteriously transformed from killers to docile honey makers." If I recall correctly JBM mentioned African bees on the African continent weren't particularly aggressive.
And like the Puerto Rico bees African bees rapidly became resistant/tolerant to varroa. In the case of African bees it was because a) beekeepers couldn't afford to treat them, b) there was a large feral population (which nobody treated.)
And like the Puerto Rico bees African bees rapidly became resistant/tolerant to varroa. In the case of African bees it was because a) beekeepers couldn't afford to treat them, b) there was a large feral population (which nobody treated.)
The Pueto Rico/Africanised or even African bees did not rapidly become resistant. Their inherent and well documented behaviour before the arrival of the mite helps them tolerate the pest!
1.shorter capping period
2. More aggressive to pests/parasites inc hive beetle.
3. A natural tendency to frequent swarming/absconding dumping mite loads and creating brood breaks.
4. If you believe some cell size😉

Are you confusing remotest Kent and remotest Africa…?
just the usual cherry picking of facts.
African bees didn't 'rapidly become' resistant, rather, African bees never found varroa to be a problem
One thing that has been observed in Southern hemisphere varroa resistant bees is the dominance of DWV type B
I amateur collection of half-truths and one outright porky.

Two ignorings of the point.

In these places it is absence of treatment that has allowed tolerance/resistance to develop in populations naturally.

I know you don't like it, but it's real.
I amateur collection of half-truths and one outright porky
I'm glad you admit it
In these places it is absence of treatment that has allowed tolerance/resistance to develop in populations naturally.
again - ignorance on your part - the need to develop a resistance would indicate that at first there was a problem, there wasn't - again wishful thinking and a need in your case to prove a non existent point
just the usual cherry picking of facts.
African bees didn't 'rapidly become' resistant, rather, African bees never found varroa to be a problem
One thing that has been observed in Southern hemisphere varroa resistant bees is the dominance of DWV type B
We have DWV type B predominantly in the UK. Type A used to be prevalent, according to research from Prof Stephen Martin's team. Are you inferring that type B is less pathogenic?
just the usual cherry picking of facts.
African bees didn't 'rapidly become' resistant, rather, African bees never found varroa to be a problem
One thing that has been observed in Southern hemisphere varroa resistant bees is the dominance of DWV type B
In South Africa, varroa resistance took to 3-5 years for Apis mellifera capensis and 6-7 years for Apis mellifera scutellata, the latter having a similar post capping period to the european honeybee. Key trait is the bees uncapping/recapping worker brood where there are mites to interupt their reproduction. More info at: Analysis of Varroa destructor infestation of southern African honeybee populations
I'm glad you admit it

again - ignorance on your part - the need to develop a resistance would indicate that at first there was a problem, there wasn't - again wishful thinking and a need in your case to prove a non existent point
The only point I'm trying to get across to you is that treating bees wholesale results - utterly predicably - in a treatment-addicted population.

Again, I know you don't like this.

Again, it is real.

You are wrong about Africa too, though I can only show you detail of South Africa at present.:

"Varroa was discovered in South Africa in 1997, where it was most likely introduced with a commercial transport of bees and queens. Two sub-species of honeybee are found in South Africa: the Cape honeybee (A. m. capensis), a coastal race occurring in the fynbos biome along the southwest and south coasts of South Africa [150], and the Savanna honeybee (A. m. scutellata) in the rest of South Africa.

The mite spread rapidly and after five years was found throughout the country. During peak infestations on average 10,000–17,000 mites could be found in a single colony, and sometimes even 30,000–50,000 mites [125]. Evidently, there was no immediate impediment to Varroa mite reproduction in African Cape and Savanna honeybee colonies and the mite was able to reproduce very efficiently in in both bee subspecies, at least initially. At the peak of the infestation 30% of colonies collapsed.

After the peak infestation mite densities gradually decreased and Cape honeybees (A. m. capensis) became resistant 3–5 years after the arrival of Varroa, while Savannah honeybees (A. m. scutellata) became resistant after 6–7 years [125]. To date, Varroa is no longer a problem in South Africa: in Mike Allsopp’s words, “Now, it is no more than an arbitrary presence”."

Source can be found at New study of the conditions that encourage, or restrain, the rise of resistance to varroa