Open message to Admin.

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NoBBy;180561 said:
I have read this thread with interest and it’s quite interesting how opinions are divided. I must admit I don't post too often on here for 2 reasons.

1. I am a beginner and don't feel I am in a position to give advice.
2. I dont like posting questions because of the very un-friendly replies some people get.

I hang out in several Hobby (none Bee Keeping) related forums and I have to say this is the least welcoming for beginners.

hi nobby, most of us are in or was in your position, my advice to you is just post what ever you want ignore any rude comments and listen to the helpful ones, most of the time its for shock value like polyhive said to make people remember it in future
NoBBy;180561 said:
I have read this thread with interest and it’s quite interesting how opinions are divided. I must admit I don't post too often on here for 2 reasons.

1. I am a beginner and don't feel I am in a position to give advice.
2. I dont like posting questions because of the very un-friendly replies some people get.

I hang out in several Hobby (none Bee Keeping) related forums and I have to say this is the least welcoming for beginners.

Nobby, stick with it!

I think most questions are very well received on here. However basic.

In beekeeping there are usually LOTS of different opinions, many of which are perfectly reasonable, some are 'unusual' and a few are frankly daft.

Usually those posts claiming 'the one true way' or spouting nonsense do get slapped down.
But that's (usually) what they deserve.
As do those trying to promote their own business.

But its pretty rare for anyone to be made to feel small for asking a question. Everyone understands, or should, that while there are stupid answers, there are no stupid questions!
chickendave;180556 said:
:iagree: well said

But I would also say RAB is very precise in his replies and leaves nothing to be misinterpreted even if I don't agree with what or how he replies to some posts but I do enjoy reading his posts and the forum needs all sorts of people to make it interesting otherwise no one would be on here

- and RAB's replies to those of us who are beginners, asking beginners' questions, are detailed and very helpful - the more abrupt ones seem to be reserved for those confidently giving advice which he sees as questionable.

I for one owe him a great deal for his advice in my first year. not worthy

Time to build a bridge and get over it guys.
Threads like this appear at this time of year.

Its bee withdrawal syndrome.
Some posts contain lots of shock and very little awe...
Nothing wrong with Rab's straight to the point concise replies. I hate reading long winded posts where people are more afraid of upsetting people than getting to the point. If Its said in a direct and forward manner there is less chance of misinterpreting what's meant to be done in a given situation.
I agree, RABS postings are extremely informative and I find his advise invaluable, he has helped me out on numerous occasions over the past couple of years. not worthy

We need more people with his level of expertise on this forum

I haven't been on here for a while - and the first thread I see is this one, and what a sad thread it is.

I can only assume that Admin is away today enjoying the fine weather else it would have been removed.

Issues such as this need to be sorted out behind closed doors and not aired in public - that's what the private message and Admin as moderator is for.

I also think NoBBy has a point, and we all should consider our posts as there speaks the voice of a silent watching majority who are scared of getting involved for sake of being bitten and patronised.

I vote to remove this thread now.


I have read this thread with interest and it’s quite interesting how opinions are divided. I must admit I don't post too often on here for 2 reasons.

1. I am a beginner and don't feel I am in a position to give advice.
2. I dont like posting questions because of the very un-friendly replies some people get.

I hang out in several Hobby (none Bee Keeping) related forums and I have to say this is the least welcoming for beginners.

I'm new to beekeeping this year as well.

Although I don't keep bees in nationals I find the discussions here informative and on the whole helpful. I've posted questions and had them answered politely and promptly.

So my message to everyone is thanks, it's great (I know, I know, I should support the forum!). And to beginners on the forum don't be put off by the petty bickering that may be going on in one corner. The vast majority of members are here to help and learn just like you.

And now for a quote from my old headmaster, "Empty vessels make the most noise".

I'am not a beginner but replies from RAB along with some others are always the ones I naturally gravitate to when a I get a few minutes to view the forum. After 30 years bee keeping, I'am still looking to learn something new and useful or at least confirm what I'am thinking or doing are on the right lines. I don't always get to post, because I view on the phone and its much easier to post from the computer. So I usually get beaten to the post by HM or PH, but if you could see me, I would be holding up the I agree sign.
To Nobby I would say do plenty of reading to try to sort the wheat from the chaff, but dip your feet in now and again.

ps I like tractors

regard Ian

HelenX;180578 said:
- and RAB's replies to those of us who are beginners, asking beginners' questions, are detailed and very helpful - the more abrupt ones seem to be reserved for those confidently giving advice which he sees as questionable.

I for one owe him a great deal for his advice in my first year. not worthy

I met a lovely lady at King's Lynn Beekeepers question time on Friday evening who will be starting her beginners course next week. Quite naturally in a room of mostly men asking questions , some quite technical she took it all in but probably felt wow what have I let myself in for, there seems to be a lot to this. I pointed her to this forum as a great learning place and gave her the details of a keeper in her village .
Dread to think what she will think of you lot squabbling on here !
Is RAB a serial Bully? ... I stand by my previous comments.
Does RAB have hangers on who join in after he starts and defend his behavoir afterwards? - I stand by my previous comments...
Am I going to strongly resist such behaviour?, I will continue as I have started.
I dont care about Hunt666 specifics, its the pattern, a familar old pattern seen in many places at many times, so many times.
"open message to admin" ?!
What a nonce !
Deserves being cut to shreds, keep up the good work RAB ( but try it with me and I'll skin you ! )
Wikipedia definition of cyber-bullying (I've highlighted the parts that I think are relevant).

Cyber-bullying can be as simple as continuing to send e-mail to someone who has said they want no further contact with the sender, but it may also include threats, sexual remarks, pejorative labels (i.e., hate speech), ganging up on victims by making them the subject of ridicule in forums, and posting false statements as fact aimed at humiliation.
Cyber-bullies may disclose victims' personal data (e.g. real name, address, or workplace/schools) at websites or forums or may pose as the identity of a victim for the purpose of publishing material in their name that defames or ridicules them. Some cyber-bullies may also send threatening and harassing emails and instant messages to the victims, while other post rumors or gossip and instigate others to dislike and gang up on the target".

Sadly, I think the above is becoming a regular feature of this forum. Play the ball not the player is ignored by many who think that anyone who disagrees with them or picks apart their argument is fair game for a verbal thrashing.
This is meant to be a family forum but you don't have to search particularly far to find swearing, racism, innuendo, personal attacks, publishing people's addresses, mocking people with dyslexia etc.
Would I let my kids on this forum - no way.
Some might say 'don't be so sensitive, grow a thicker skin, take it on the chin, put them on ignore'. To me that just sounds like putting the responsibility to change on the victims rather than the aggressors.
There are some on this forum who offer excellent advice (Rab included - whom I do not have a problem with), there are others who have an excellent sense of humour and keep us all smiling, there are others who one can have a really in depth heated debate with but still remain friends with at the end of it. But for me it is soured by one or two people who play the player and seem oblivious to the hurt it causes - Colossal lack of empathy and compassion and can't even fall in line when they get a bo***cking from admin. Classic school bully - you stand up to them and then they come for you when no one else is around to see it (e.g via PM).
I have never seen the like on any forum I have participated in.
Is this a place I want to be at the moment? No, not really.
Post Quick Reply.


Tin Hat On......... don't bee shy ... who else wears a beesuit with veil zipped up when looking at the forum.... can you type with gloves on?

not worthy
No I can not type in gloves.... sorry appologies wrong forum... thought I was on Tiddlywinks senario games forum.. sorry again,,, ... must go sorry !!!!

Then they get their mates to join in.

There's a "report this post button" - if you think someone has wronged you press it rather than indulging in character assassination.

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