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thurrock bees

Drone Bee
Aug 1, 2009
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Haywards Heath, Sussex
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hi all
ive sent some bee of to a wonderfull forum member who had conformed my thoughts that two of my hives had nosema, they showed NO signs of it apart from lack of increase in brood.
All suppliers of the treatment Fumidil B, have run out, so im looking at using Vita Feed GOLD from paynes, does anybody know if this is anygood?

I have used Vitafeed gold with thymol as you say fumidil is sold out, I hope it helps, it certainly helps in spring build up having used it for the last two years on my q/rearing colonies
Got a colony with signs of nosema. Could someone tell me how to use thymol crystals for treatment, and would you treat all colonys in apiary. Would this be recomended by members, or Fumil b Cheers, Buzz
Hi buzz

I include Thymol in my feed and I am sure it helps reduce Nosema, however if you have a hive that already has nosema stick to the likes of Fumidil or Vita gold. I think of thymol as more of a preventative than cure, there are better options.

Regards Ian
A suggestion I heard this week from someone doing research into nosema is to change all the brood comb. He said a Bailley frame change would do the trick. Apparently nosema lives in pollen so get rid of the pollen stores and you will reduce a source of infection.

The Spanish are doing a lot of work on Nosema, here is a link to one reference:

It is early days as I understand it but the link with pollen is interesting.

I suspect we will all be doing annual brood frame changes before long and a Bailley frame change is very effective at ridding the coloney of disease. This is because many bee diseases live in the brood comb and are left behind when the change is made. Some must be carried across with the bees, but the level of infection is then so low the bees have a good chance of recovering. The Bailley frame change is no good for reducing varroa but is good for many other bee diseases.
Why do a bailley frame change when it gives any pathogens a chance to migrate to the fresh comb. Shaking them out onto clean food combs might be a safer way to get shot of a high pathogen load in one fell swoop
Have also read some research about nosema spores in pollen,the spores come from the bee's that are collecting the pollen, from the secretions they use to glue it together,not actully from the pollen itself.So the infection needs to be cleared up in the bee's or else they would be simply filling any new comb with more nosema infected pollen,plus from dirty nosema infected water.........vicious circle type of thing really.
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I am not sure if it is a vicous circle, the infected bees will die and as it says in that paper "Pollen stored in comb cells of the hive has been reported as a bee pathogen reservoir". The reference is not directly for nosema but the concept is by removing the stored pollen the vicious circle is broken. Of course bees could no doubt transfer the spores to each other but removing the reservoir must be a step in the right direction.

Nosema cerana looks like it is going to be a big worry so all possibilities need to be explored.
What i was getting at is the already nosema infected bee's(before they die) will of collected and stored more infected pollen,so there is still going to be nosema spores in the stored pollen,even in new combs,athough not as severe of course.
I find emulsified, thymolised syrup helps with these nosema problems.

Maybe more like magic roundabout
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no? such as? I assume not FB
Nosema has spoiled bees' gut and they will not be healed.

But if you give emerging bee frame from healthy hive it starts brooding again. 2/3 of my sick hives have been healed this way.
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