LimeWatch UK

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Yes, I'm about 300m from railway line... I know they've been on the blackberry as were brining in grey pollen.

In the late evening they look like grey ghosts going into the hives, a strange sight.
Blimey o Riley.....I can't keep on top of it, I have run out of supers.....unheard of.
I am adding brood box's for honey.
I've just returned from a couple of days at Hampton Court. I used to live in Teddington and use Bushy Park a lot. I have never seen so much lime in flower!
I'm surprised people weren't passing out with the heady scent. You lucky sods!!!!!
Can anybody send me a free jar ;)
Lime out in the centre of Sheffield, not sure about the outskirts where my bees are, Blackberries out in full, but the stranger early plant out now is the HB! That is my late honey harvest, or should be.
Lime has been flowering strongly. But very few bees on it on the lower branches I can see. The bees, honey, bumbles and all seem to prefer blackberry if it's available. As long as there's enough to go round, I'm not complaining.
In the late evening they look like grey ghosts going into the hives, a strange sight.

Bill, I think that's from visiting Himalayan Balsam
In the late evening they look like grey ghosts going into the hives, a strange sight.

Bill, I think that's from visiting Himalayan Balsam

I wish I had HB around here from all the stories of good honey flows, alas none around this area, the nearest is a few miles away up the Teign valley.
In the late evening they look like grey ghosts going into the hives, a strange sight.

Bill, I think that's from visiting Himalayan Balsam

I don't think the London limes actually yielded much tbh... What is next to flower in London Richard? Do we get anything through late July into August?
Blimey o Riley.....I can't keep on top of it, I have run out of supers.....unheard of.
I am adding brood box's for honey.

yep ,great ain't it, not seen the flow come in as this rate for years, and a on the way back i saw fresh flash of yellow in the field near one apairy....spring RE-sown OSR...
Bump for new season.

ha, you beat me to it! I was going to bring this back today! Reason being that I noticed the first flowers opening on a big lime on the road of my apiary on Sunday. No hum yet BUT, weather this week looking warm and muggy and we'll get a bit of rain i'm sure so perfect conditions surely?!
Can't see any flowers here yet......we are always three weeks behind everyone else!
As a matter of interest how many lime trees do you need? I have one very large mature lime tree within 100m of my hives then about 5 lime trees about 400m from the apiary then about 10 limes in a row about 800m away.
As a matter of interest how many lime trees do you need? I have one very large mature lime tree within 100m of my hives then about 5 lime trees about 400m from the apiary then about 10 limes in a row about 800m away.
Depends how many beekeepers there are nearby :)
Very large and old lime trees often don't yield very well despite having masses of flowers. Bees also don't tend to work them when windy, cold or in the wet and not much produced when conditons are very dry (muggy calm conditions best) so not really a totally guaranteed crop.
On my drive home tonight noticed that some of the lime trees are already in full flower where as the majority are some way off flowering so perhaps this year I may get a steady flowering period.

I agree with masterBK they promise so much, but don’t always produce the big crop. I am lucky as I am surrounded by them and standing in one apiary I can see 15+ trees and another apiary close to the A4 road is lined on both sides by the trees and that has to be 40+ so even if they are poor my bees always manage something. One day all the boxes will be ticked and it will be two weeks of madness.