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Poly Hive

Queen Bee
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
Scottish Borders
Hive Type
Number of Hives
12 and 18 Nucs
I came across a site that is trying to become the UK version of Etsy. Fair enough. I then, as you do, looked for honey and on page 2 of the search results there was some. Not made by the seller but county honey. This vendor has no weights on any of the labels that I can see. So how can anyone know if £8 is for four or 8 ounces or what ever the jars contain?

Good clear labelling sells your product. Bad labels do not.

I came across a site that is trying to become the UK version of Etsy. Fair enough. I then, as you do, looked for honey and on page 2 of the search results there was some. Not made by the seller but county honey. This vendor has no weights on any of the labels that I can see. So how can anyone know if £8 is for four or 8 ounces or what ever the jars contain?

Good clear labelling sells your product. Bad labels do not.

bad labelling can also be illegal!
Be a busybody and complain to the site owners.
Some people make such action a pastime.
I think you would probably be doing them a favour if they know nothing about honey labelling!
Dani the guy sells chutneys and so on but nothing on the site mentioned a weight, not just the honey but all that I could see was just "weightless" so to speak. Very odd actually never seen anything like it before unless I was missing something really obvious. *shrug*


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