How often do you drink?

Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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How often do you drink

  • At least 1 Daily

    Votes: 14 29.2%
  • A drink or two weekly

    Votes: 13 27.1%
  • A drink or a few a month.

    Votes: 9 18.8%
  • Socially and on holidays.

    Votes: 12 25.0%

  • Total voters
I have an addictive nature so I drink with caution ... I may go a week or more without a drink and then have a beer every night for a week. I enjoy a single malt but the cost makes it a special treat and I like a nice glass of wine. As my Grandma said 'Everything in moderation'.

So, like a number of people, I really don't fit any of the options.
I have an addictive nature so I drink with caution ... I may go a week or more without a drink and then have a beer every night for a week. I enjoy a single malt but the cost makes it a special treat and I like a nice glass of wine. As my Grandma said 'Everything in moderation'.

So, like a number of people, I really don't fit any of the options.

So do the some Native tribes here in the US. So bad to the point that some Native lands it is illegal to sell, distribute and consume alcohol on. Mostly villages in Alaska.

We have a brewer in Kentucky that ages it's Ale in used whisky barrels... It makes quite a nice smooth and heady Ale. That is my beer of choice. I hate the mass brews we have here and can't stand many of the imports like Red Strip and Heineken. It is like drinking out of a skunks posterior.
It is like drinking out of a skunks posterior.

I bet the stuff Popcorn Sutton used to make tasted better.

[ame=""]Part 1- This Is The Last Dam Run Of Likker I'm Ever Gonna Make - YouTube[/ame]
I don't fit any of the options either.
When I drink it tends to turn into a daily thing (nightly) before too long. Then I worry about my health and stop. I haven't drunk for more than a few weeks currently.
I did a juice fast for 26 days before Christmas and the Christmas before that I was in the middle of a 6 month abstinence.
I bet the stuff Popcorn Sutton used to make tasted better.

That stuff burns so bad going down you can't even taste it. The Appalachians are no joke. Lots of area to hide a body, and many have. Not so much moon-shining going on now days. The money is in Methamphetamine and Pot.
I drink daily for 1-2 weeks. Then get fed up (or the bottle runs dry) and don't drink for a couple of weeks.. (or I buy another bottle)...
I think this thread/poll demonstrates the individuality of UK people (well, beekeepers anyway) compared to the bland predictable US population, who fall nicely into clearly defined slots for data collection and subsequent sectioning!

Or maybe it is just another of 'those' polls that failed to deliver. Your thoughts?

It is like drinking out of a skunks posterior.
Never tried that - do you use a straw or just wrap your lips around it and tilt your head back?

The Appalachians are no joke. Lots of area to hide a body, and many have. Not so much moon-shining going on now days.

Apparently a bit of DNA research a few years ago discovered that a lot of them hillybillies are descended from a small area just over the mountain from me - having had acquaintance from a few of that bloodline on this side of the pond I do pity you !
Well, I never touch a drop when hospitalised!

But I only have appointments that last no more than a couple of hours in any case.

Tend not to drink when on night-shift either, (couldn't see that option). :cheers2:
Apparently a bit of DNA research a few years ago discovered that a lot of them hillybillies are descended from a small area just over the mountain from me -. . . . . . . . . . . .I do pity you !

And I thought your DNA just circled around in a small gene pool, (hence the shared wool/welly fetish)? :biggrinjester:
oliver90owner;394379 Or maybe it is just another of 'those' polls that failed to deliver. Your thoughts? RAB[/QUOTE said:
A thread like this would go nowhere on a US bee forum... I think this has been a smashing success as you might say.

As far as drinking out of a skunks posterior... They tend to like dark hiding places of the sort that I liked as a youngster. Generally you can't see them when you first craw into one with your mouth wide open with excitement.
I drink so infrequently that I don't know how to describe it.

About 4 1/2 years ago when my first born was due I stopped drinking in case I had to do the emergency hospital run. Since then I hardly touch a drop. Now don't get me wrong, I love cider and gin but now that I have 3 small kids I just don't get the time and the hangover is not worth it. With 3 little faces trying to get your attention at 7am a hangover is not welcome!
I think this thread/poll demonstrates the individuality of UK people (well, beekeepers anyway) compared to the bland predictable US population, who fall nicely into clearly defined slots for data collection and subsequent sectioning!

Or maybe it is just another of 'those' polls that failed to deliver. Your thoughts?


I suspect we are telling it like it is - for many middle aged//elderly who have survived the excesses of youth and still have a liver and are not alcoholics or druggies.

(Of course, the forum may be full of both in which case the poll has not succeeded...:)
I have a drink/drive problem... There's no cup holder in the Bentley and I keep spilling it.
hey hey now!! What do you consider a proper amount? I can show you some fine American brews into the 8% range which is a might higher then that mud you all ship here called Guinness

Guinness is not "mud", but a fine beer and not shipped from here, but Dublin which is IN A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT COUNTRY.

I think JBM is referring to that pish that is generally sold as draught beer in the US, especially the light variety.

There are indeed many tasty US bees, but not as many as over here, so why not come and try a few of them?

And the strength isn't the most important thing. As the chimps taught us: it's the taste.

As for 8%, that is hardly very strong. Check these out:

Or these:
Meant to add the range is restrictive. Some weeks I drink every day, but one or two glasses of red. Some weeks I drink 2/3 times in the week.

But who only drinks socially? Anyone? Really?
Meant to add the range is restrictive. Some weeks I drink every day, but one or two glasses of red. Some weeks I drink 2/3 times in the week.

But who only drinks socially? Anyone? Really?

I'm anti-social anyway.
Guinness is not "mud", but a fine beer and not shipped from here, but Dublin which is IN A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT COUNTRY.

I think JBM is referring to that pish that is generally sold as draught beer in the US, especially the light variety.

There are indeed many tasty US bees, but not as many as over here, so why not come and try a few of them?

And the strength isn't the most important thing. As the chimps taught us: it's the taste.

As for 8%, that is hardly very strong. Check these out:

Or these:

England, Scotland, Ireland, Australia.... I'm American... it's all the same place to us :D Besides their parent company is based out of London.

Here we would call anything that strong "Malt Liquor" and I think that is a legality thing. The bulk of the beers I see on your list are pretty low in alcohol volume, even our "light" mass produced brands are over 4%. Craft beers are all in the 7% range.

I hope to come and try a few sometime.:cheers2:
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