How often do you drink?

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How often do you drink

  • At least 1 Daily

    Votes: 14 29.2%
  • A drink or two weekly

    Votes: 13 27.1%
  • A drink or a few a month.

    Votes: 9 18.8%
  • Socially and on holidays.

    Votes: 12 25.0%

  • Total voters
As I said I probably have 3-4 drinks in a years time, but the stuff I like to drink is top shelf stuff. The beers I like are $3.00 a bottle in the store, $8.00 a pint at the bar. The whiskey I like is $60.00 for 750 mls and is aged 18 years, single barrel. Put cheap alcohol in my cabinet it will never get drank.

It is the same with cigars. I may have 1-2 a year, but what I have is high dollar and usually imported illegally. Other than that I don't smoke.

I like tupelo honey too ;)

I have finer taste buds than the average guy.... if I were a millionaire I would probably be a drunk... But I can't afford to drink regularly.

Well, I too like the good stuff and don't buy cheap. it's a false economy. I have half a dozen whiskies in the cupboard, ranging from £30 to £70. I tend to stock up in duty free, but I do get an occasional one from family.
American's don't drink beer at room temperature. This one is frozen hence the lumpy appearance.

Many years ago I worked for a company selling panelled rooms to the US and we were sent out to fix them. We would go into the bars and ask if they had any beers out the back and not the ones from the fridge as they were way to cold and serving them in a glass with frost all over it was way to muck for us warm beer drinkers.
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I once had a bunch of longnecks that I forgot about in a cooler on the boat. One day I open the cooler and find the now warm beers... Bonus it was like finding free money... I cracked one and had a gulp and it was terrible. I almost puked :puke:

Nothing better then an Ice cold one on a hot summer day.
Well, I too like the good stuff and don't buy cheap. it's a false economy. ...

The Law of Diminishing Returns applies to alcoholic drinks. A $40 bottle of gin is not 3 times better than a $13 bottle.

Indeed, some cheap brands - eg Aldi's own - are as good or better than brands three times the price.

And it's not just me talking.

I like Bombay Sapphire - varies between £20-27 per liter at present - and Aldi gin £13...

The survey should have asked a supplementary question:

Is your drinking limited by your finances? Mine is alas.. :-(
The Law of Diminishing Returns applies to alcoholic drinks. A $40 bottle of gin is not 3 times better than a $13 bottle.

Indeed, some cheap brands - eg Aldi's own - are as good or better than brands three times the price.

And it's not just me talking.

I like Bombay Sapphire - varies between £20-27 per liter at present - and Aldi gin £13...

The survey should have asked a supplementary question:

Is your drinking limited by your finances? Mine is alas.. :-(


Theres lots of snobbery involved with booze, if you need lots to feed your habit Aldi's and the like go much further. Its been a long time since I've hit the white lightning cider or cheap sherry though, but I find expensive booze a bit like cocaine, nice when you've got it but leaves an empty feeling in your wallet in the morning.

..., but I find expensive booze a bit like cocaine, nice when you've got it but leaves an empty feeling in your wallet in the morning.

Not tried Columbian marching powder. Gin is cheaper and safer despite Hogarth's propaganda :sunning:
The Law of Diminishing Returns applies to alcoholic drinks. A $40 bottle of gin is not 3 times better than a $13 bottle.

I might agree with many products, but not with something like hard liquor. The price often has to do with quality and time in making it. A 13 dollar bottle of gin might have been distilled 2-3 time, the more expensive bottle run through 7 times giving you a more pure product.

The whisky I drink cost 60 bucks for 750 mls. The maker has 10 dollar bottles made in the same plant, but those are mixed batch aged 4 years and not very smooth, the more expensive bottle is single barrel and aged 18 years... Hence the price difference.
I once had a bunch of longnecks that I forgot about in a cooler on the boat. One day I open the cooler and find the now warm beers... Bonus it was like finding free money... I cracked one and had a gulp and it was terrible. I almost puked :puke:

Nothing better then an Ice cold one on a hot summer day.

Probably due to the quality, not the temperature of the beer...
The Law of Diminishing Returns applies to alcoholic drinks. A $40 bottle of gin is not 3 times better than a $13 bottle.

Indeed, some cheap brands - eg Aldi's own - are as good or better than brands three times the price.

And it's not just me talking.

I like Bombay Sapphire - varies between £20-27 per liter at present - and Aldi gin £13...

The survey should have asked a supplementary question:

Is your drinking limited by your finances? Mine is alas.. :-(

Absolutely right when it comes to raw grain spirits. The reason malt whisky and decent brandy is more expensive is in part to do with the limited runs but mainly due to the amount of time they are stored.

For instance, I like Plymouth Gin (not theor new bottles), but it is not produced in the vast quantities of Gordon's or Beefeater and is therefore more expensive.

Anyone paying a super premium price (eg Grey Goose) needs their bumps felt. And before anyone feels like laying into me on that particular brands behalf, answer this: do you add a mixer? If you do, get lost, as you cannot tell the difference once the tonic, etc has been added.

If you drink it neat, I'm prepared to accept you can discern a difference. Especially from the nasty greasy stuff passing for vodka in the UK.
Anyone paying a super premium price (eg Grey Goose) needs their bumps felt. And before anyone feels like laying into me on that particular brands behalf, answer this: do you add a mixer? If you do, get lost, as you cannot tell the difference once the tonic, etc has been added.
I should have added: as far as G&T is concerned, I have yet to find a better tonic than Schweppes.. But it is expensive.. One case where you get what you pay my view.
Anyone paying a super premium price (eg Grey Goose) needs their bumps felt. And before anyone feels like laying into me on that particular brands behalf, answer this: do you add a mixer? If you do, get lost, as you cannot tell the difference once the tonic, etc has been added.
I should have added: as far as G&T is concerned, I have yet to find a better tonic than Schweppes.. But it is expensive.. One case where you get what you pay my view.

Ah, yes. I like Schweppes, but bottle, not postmix.

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