Fresh from the doctors....

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can this be bought over the counter >>>Piriton
can this be bought over the counter >>>Piriton

A quick google shows that Piriton contains Chlorphenamine at 4mg, which is the same as the pack I have been pescribed so it appears that it is, but please dont take my word for it as I am not a medic..

(actually, the only medic training I've had is how to use a tourniquet and stick a morphine auto injector into someone :biggrinjester:)
Yes piriton can be bought over the counter and is cheaper than piritease and other variations. Can be bought in boxes of 60 as well.
Thing you've got to watch with Piriton, is that it can make you drowsy. On the advice of the doc I've started taking them just before I go through my bees so its in my system before any bee venom if I get a sting.
They are small enough to swallow/chew without water.
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the other point always carry some drinking water with you,no point having the pills and then finding out you cannot swallow them.

Good it just me that gets a throat as dry as a pharoahs sock whenever it comes to taking a tablet? :ack2:
(actually, the only medic training I've had is how to use a tourniquet and stick a morphine auto injector into someone :biggrinjester:)

Me too! But that was a fair few years ago as a troop leader with 2RTR! lols
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Update to this thread.

I went to the allergy clinic yesterday and found (as if I didn't know) I was allergic to grass, and nothing else so my nasty reaction on my face, cheek bone was the site, was just that, a nasty reaction.

No sign of allergy to bee venom but the Professor asked for a blood sample so he could check a well stung sample for anything interesting. LOL

Good to here your news PH, I bet the girls are sharpening their spears in celebration!
Good news.

Just means you will have to stop rolling in the grass,
and give up frolicking in the Haystacks :willy_nilly:
Well thats a relief,

I had problems when stung in that area wheras stings on finger arm and legs dont react except a 24 hr itch

i carry childrens liquid piriton abd take it if stung, much quicker into the stystem than a pill

on me only piriton works, all the other over the counter hay fever pills just dry my nose and mouth up
Been reading this with interest as i have had similar experiences. Stings on arms/legs/torso have minimal effect but about a fortnight ago I was helping with a friend's hives and got stung on the cheek when the mesh in my veil folded as i was setting a super onto the upturned roof. I didn't have an opportunity to remove the sting quickly and got the full dose of venom. I began to get a wee bit of swelling but nothing much. The following morning the throbbing in my jaw woke me up - still not too much swelling. By early afternoon I was not looking like myself at all!!:ack2: My cheek was really swollen and i was really resembling a chipmunk! I'd never reacted like this before so that evening I took the precaution of calling with the local out of hours Doctor who advised that it was just a bad reaction. (I'd also been stung on the leg that evening and had no reaction) He prescribed a Piriton derivative (Chlorphenamine as previously mentioned) and told me that the face will generally react more strongly to a sting and also that there was a possibility that whatever I use to shave/wash with could have reacted with the sting. Another point he made which i thought worth repeating is that a sting can become infected. If you think about the way a colony clusters together and the surfaces they crawl over from day to day, it isn't unreasonable to surmise that a sting could become infected. Thankfully that wasn't the case with me and the swelling went down over the next couple of days.
Hi Poly just picked up this thread. I would say that it was site related, for sure. The eye, cheak area can offen ellicit a huge swelling response. I,m sure you will be fine, just feels like half your face has been anaethetised. Regards, Buzz
Piriton is the brand name and Chlorphenamine is the generic drug name.

Piriton is manufactured by GSK Consumer Healthcare.

If you did sustain a sting what dose should you take - 1 or 2 tablets?

Also, what is the best anti-histamine cream to use?

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I got stung on my tummy last year, and it still looks swollen! My whole tummy, that is, not just the sting site. Have been trying to eat as many pies as possible to force any remaining venom out. Can't imagine why I have large tum still.

lolz ;)

My doctor hasn't even bothered to get back to me. i rang him for advice, he wasn't available right then but just hasn't bothered to return my call. I can see it being very difficult getting him to prescribe a pen. I should have changed docs a while back really as he isn't very good. Just not got around to it.

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