Do bees sleep

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House Bee
Jun 2, 2011
Reaction score
brightlingsea essex
Hive Type
Number of Hives
5 plus more when they come along
I was driving along quite hapily yesterday, thinking about bees, and I realised I dont know if bees sleep or not ?? I must be stupid to not know .. or I cant remember!!
Who really cares. You must be asleep?
Funny you should ask, had been wondering that myself.

A quick Google comes up with

which is a précis of a comprehensive Journal of Experimental Biology paper Caste-dependent sleep of worker honey bees -

and a paper from the University of Texas on how sleep affects the bees ability to communicate

essentially though, they take brief naps, about 30 seconds in the case of young bees, increasing with age (sound familiar?)
thanks for that ,now I know MB . Just like us humans :) need a short nap to keep us going
They intersperse short spells of working, wandering about socializing, and napping.

A bit like some of my staff really.
all i know is one summer morning i walked past a shrub and 4bumble bees were still and sleeping -i even stroked the one- he moved a little and nodded off-i concluded that they must of had a sleep over -the sun went down the evening before and it was chilly-looks like the got chilled and stayed put -when i saw them later when the sun came on them -they were active again and working !!!!
nellatap thanks for posting the pictures proof of bees sleeping or napping dont they look cute
only after reading some of the prolonged threads on here!!!!

Hear, hear. As for instance the one about what one did in the apuary today. Needless waffle - but..........................................