Dangers of Beekeeping

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New Bee
May 21, 2009
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Very sad but a salutary lesson to all of us.

Especially those who think bees do not kill.

I have never had anything even approaching anaphylactic shock, but always carry an up to date epipen as insurance !

John Wilkinson
PH do you know him,article says he's from Coalville.
More usual and painful disorder is backbone disease. Many have needed surgery and many just have miserable nights.
always carry an up to date epipen as insurance !

John Wilkinson
I always make sure that I have at least a vale on when ever I have anything to do with opening my hive ,but I never really thought of having an epipen, but I think it sounds like a good idea ,how does one go about obtaining one ,via doctor or online ,if online have you a link
I got mine on prescription from my doctor. I explained that I was about to start beekeeping and asked for one.

However, I wasn't shown how to use it so as I pass into unconsciousness I will be reading the instructions :cuss:
Available on perscription only I'm afraid .
You'll have to charm your Gp into prescribing one . I told my Gp that I worked alone with bees and in remote locations !!.

John Wilkinson
I went to help someone assess and remove some old, battered and abandoned hives early this afternoon and upon getting 10 or so yards from the first one sustained a massive offensive attack from the colony residing in it.

Got three bees in my veil as I was hurredly trying to get it on and zipped up.....and was in the process of putting my gloves on as we walked towards the hives.

All in all I've sustained 30+ stings on my neck and wrists and when we'd finally got the 000's of bees off our trousers, back and arms.....after literally legging it....I counted 120+ stings left in my colleague's suit!!!

Needless to say, I'm throbbing.....but alive (after lots of hay fever tablets and HC-45 cream).

It does happen folks. Take as much precaution as you can as you never know when you're going to get caught out. These people that wander around with no gloves, veils or with shorts on are just idiots to my mind.

I'll try and take a couple of photos when I can grasp something in my right hand :toetap05:
I feel for you. It hurt like hell when I got 1 sting on the temple. You need to keep an eye on the swelling you will get.
However, beekeeping is not dangerous hobby, if you have normal legs under you.
Fishing is many fold more dangerous or to drive bicycle.
It does happen folks. Take as much precaution as you can as you never know when you're going to get caught out. These people that wander around with no gloves, veils or with shorts on are just idiots to my mind.:

Hmmm... I used to use shorts and a T-Shirt when I was in my teens.
I went to my GP a few months back, explained I kept bees and wanted a pescription for an Epi-pen. He refused to pescribe one, stating that as i had no history of allergy to bee-stings there was no need. I argued the point with him, but he wouldn't budge on the issue...
Change your GP. Explain to your new one that anaphylaxis can and does occur amongst the experienced and up to the event occurring, had been inured to both the effects locally and generally of being stung by bees !. Further add that you work alone and off the beaten track making contact with the emergency services difficult and time consuming, time that someone displaying early signs of anaphylaxis hasn't got !!. After all, the epipen could buy you maybe half an hour before a further injection is required followed by other interventions !!.

Tell the man how it is !! I'm sure he/she will see the logic in your argument !

John Wilkinson
Just write up a letter saying that he has refused to issue one and then ask him to sign it,say in the letter you are going to lodge the letter in the safe keeping of your solictor. ;)

What are the natural treatments for a bee sting

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