Chronic Migraine

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I used to get occasional (once a year very bad headaches which lasted for 24 hours).
After 13 years of yoga I no longer suffer at all. Perhaps it's the five minutes inversions at the end of the class? My blood pressure ha also fallen.

(This is power yoga which can be seriously physically challenging at times)

Totally unscientific.
I used to get occasional (once a year) very bad headaches which lasted for 24 hours.
After 13 years of yoga I no longer suffer at all. Perhaps it's the five minutes inversions at the end of the class? My blood pressure has also fallen.

(This is power yoga which can be seriously physically challenging at times)

Totally unscientific.
Suffered with migraines from a young age... normally lasted for 2 to 3 days. In my mid forties they got really bad, resulting in time off work. long story, but eventually saw a specialist shrink, she put me on beta blockers ( a weak dose of propananol) never looked back. Problem with this drug is its habit forming. Three years ago had heart probs, so they changed me to a newer type of beta blocker, had withdrawal probs for a short while, now back to reasonable normality......Remember these are my experiances, obviously I am not recommending that this may be a cure for you or anyone else, I am not a doctor, just a patient.

I used to have many, no aura, but severe pain and head down toilet for 3 days....
But I went to Holland and B, did allergy testing assessment and was told that I reacted badly to choc, cheese and red wine, plus other foods to a minor degree.. I have cut them out ... and retired from stressful business and now never have one.. unless I fall by the wayside with the wine.
Tried cutting out different types of food. no effect.

Been on beta blockers for 18 months 2 years, they helped when I was only getting 1 a week or so but not helping as much now.
Trying naproxen 500 mg and 160 mg of propranolol backed up with 500mg paracetamol tablets, cannot take ibuprofen with the new tablets for some reason.
It's helping but not stopping it completely.
I'll never finish this damn book lol.
i suffered 2 or 3 a week, tried the usual medication which did very little to help then i tried feverfew capsules after a recommendation and they stopped it nearly dead in its tracks. i dont really go for herbal remedys but its got to be worth a try. good luck.
i dont really go for herbal remedys but its got to be worth a try.

There are some herbal remedies that can be smoked, 420, okay as long as you don't overdose yourself.
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There are some herbal remedies that can be smoked, 420, okay as long as you don't overdose yourself.

I'de never have thought about that.
I had migraines first as a child. I'll never forget getting the slipper at school because I couldn't read the board and didn't do the work in class.
Had more in my teens followed by none for about 10 years, won't say what I was doing in those 10 years but it fits.:)
Then the migraines came back when I made some changes.
At this point anything is worth a try, yesterday I was like a kid in a sweet shop as I didn't have a headache. That came crashing down at 7 O clock, i got one and spent the evening sulking until 9:30 when i went to bed.
i feel for you. I too had trouble in my teens. I remember cycling home in mad panic thinking I was going blind. I used to get the headaches after my sight came back. Now I just get bad sight opposite to tunnel vision about twice a year, usually when I get cold with low sugar levels, but no headaches. The blindness lasts about half an hour and then it's gone. I am grateful that is all I get. Keep playing with food to see if anything sets it off, chocolate, cream, coffee are favourites apparently
If you have been popping pills everyday it is likely caused by withdrawal from paracetamol, or whatever the active ingredient is. Paracetamol and codeine are terrible for it. I had that problem recently. Try not taking anything for a few days. If it is too unbearable take a different drug with a different active ingredient.
I know this is not like a migraine but I have suffered with severe tension headaches since I was a child. These are bad, often lasting a couple of hours and very painful. Been to doctors many times, but the usual explanations, stress, change your job, take painkillers etc.
I don't like taking tablets unless I absolutely have to so I have always looked for alternatives where possible.
I know this may sound stupid but one thing I found to ease the pain was music, played quite loud through headphones. This worked well when I was younger but as I got older my hearing has obviously deteriorated and is now not as effective.
I noticed sharper sounds like running water for example seemed to be the better sound for treating my headache and read about white noise as an aid to my condition..
I found a web site which produces sound generators and it has been very effective with my problem. The noise I have found most effective is called white rain and I adjust the calibrations to create a higher pitch. The site is free, however donations are appreciated. (some sounds are locked out)
It may or may not work for you but it's worth checking out at least.
I am not connected in any way with this site, just a satisfied user.

I have to take tablets everyday at this time.
I can't take codeine at all as it triggers a headache.
I've been on beta blockers for a while and have to take blood thinning medication. I'm also on naproxen now. The triptan based tablets make me throw up so those are out.
Increased beta blockers and naproxen have made it a little better. Ibuprofen are off the menu while i'm on naproxen.

It may be stress related to some degree, Self employment while being unable to work will do that. It seems having surgery before Christmas and constant headaches since then doesn't fulfill the criteria for government help.
I've had 2 operations in 12 months but the dwp tell me i have exhausted my NI contributions so no longer entitled to any help financial or otherwise.
Won't get into a rant about that.....

Thanks for the advice but I have tried nearly everything so far.
Haven't tried the 420 yet.

This is just the end of a saga that has gone on for a few years, 11 operations MRSA a mini stroke and a close family member losing a fight with cancer and countless rows with the DWP and job centre. So stress is probably a factor.
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I know many of you will think I'm stupid but when I get a migraine its not pain killers I take. Its indigestion tablets. Ranitidine and or rennies. I believe my migraines are stomach and sleep (lack of) related.
I am currently on beta blockers for my blood pressure (nothing to do with the migraines) they don't seem to have had any affect on any aspect of the migraines.
My sister also suffers from severe migraines and thinks im nuts but the indigestion tablets seem to work for me.
They don't work for me mate.
I suffered migraines for years and years, carried an IMMIGRAN pen the lot....
until I had a bend scuba diving on the Elk in Plymouth Sound ( A BSAC Advanced Instructor with over 2000 dived logged)
The BSAC senior medic found a 10mm hole in my heart ( A whopping PFO!) fixed on the NHS in 2002 ... I have not suffered a migraine since!
( apparently this is not unusual)