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What do you believe in?

  • Christianity

    Votes: 35 29.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 14 12.0%
  • Non-believer

    Votes: 68 58.1%

  • Total voters
So what do you believe happens when someone dies???

Ben P

I believe he just said - THE END

Course that is a little wasteful. I always used to say "energy can neither be created nor destroyed merely transformed into another form" which is ok and implies we go somewhere perhaps. Then someone said "yep it's transferred into chemical energy to break our bodies down to mush". So that's buggered that up. But I have seen a woman in our old house, stood at the top of the stairs dressed in White and smiling. Nearly dropped the phone as I was talking to my (at the time) girlfriends brother. Then I realised it was my girlfriend and said so to her brother - "yeah I'll just get her for you Darren she's stood at the top of the stairs". She came down and took the call. After the call she turned to ms and asked why I had lied about her being at the top of the stairs. "cause you were" - "wtf I was laying on the bed reading a magazine, you actually **** me up cause I was like wtf who is he looking at". And so the story was told for about 10 years. Then a male friend stayed the night. Next morning had a shower which is also upstairs. Stood at the top of the stairs and shouted down to me to ask where the towels were. When I got to the stairs i could only see him from the waste down. His upper body was obscured from view by the ceiling. In order to see his face I had to lean into the enclosed stairway. It was then I realised that even if she had been at the top of the stairs and lied, I would only have been able to see my girlfriend from the waist down. So what or who I had seen was a girl of about 5 or 6 because that's the only way I could have seen her whole body when just walking past the bottom of the stairs. So THE END I gotta say nah. Then there was the time mum my partner now and I were all sitting on the sofa and my brother was 5 foot away in another chair. From behind the sofa came a blood chilling groan that lasted for about 20 very long seconds. My brother looked up and I laughed. Well we all did and said W T F. my brother went "what"? We laughed again but he looked blank. I asked him why he looked up. "because you all just stopped talking at once and went silent". Us on the sofa had all heard it, me very loudly, my partner second loudest, and mum had heard it also but more as a light moan rather than a loud throat gurgling moan like I had. Brother - nothing - 5 feet away in a cob cottage - nothing. And of course the time when at 2.30 in the am when I was cough *on the net* cough and there was the loudest crashing glass and wood sound from downstairs. I literally evacuated my bowels on the spot. Ran downstairs with dumbbells in hand shouting loudly. Lights on ...... Nothing ........ Still nothing ....... Nothing at all. Totally normal downstairs. Wtf. Phone rings and its my mate in a panic asking if I'm ok and yelling call the police to someone in the background. Id typed brb burglars!!! So while I was explaining - right above my head BANG BANG BANG BANG on the ceiling. I have to say I'm no pussy and I'll defend what's mine to the death but I slept the night in the car. So THE END ...... I'm yet to be convinced lol.
So what do you believe happens when someone dies???

Ben P

one thing that Tonyblokes video (yes I did watch it) got right was the fact that we are all stardust- always bear that in mind if you think we need a creator to make us special. When I die my atoms will be in time be dispersed. Some of those atoms will become other people- a sort of reincarnation if you like. Some will become trees, which is rather nice. As for 'me', my persona, that will survive in the memories of those who remember me. When they die, I will be gone.
The problem with the likes of Dawkins on one side and the evangelist types on the other side is that they all spend far too much time searching for evidence and soundbites to back up their own claims rather than actually doing any serious reading on the subject or actually listening to the opinions of others.

I'm not religious in any way, my personal opinion is that most, if not all, forms of religion are human constructs designed to help us cope with the confusion and pain of existence and to attempt to impose some form of coherence and order on our lives.
And this is where the likes of Dawkins fall down - it does not matter whether God exists, what matters is what human beings gain or lose from their belief in God.
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I don't think the score is very even if we take the religious dimension of warfare into account.

Yes possibly.
I wonder if anyone has ever tried to quantify the number of lives lost or destroyed in the name of religion Vs the number of lives saved, created or improved in the name of religion. Could be an interesting phd there.:)

But, the important thing to remember is that religion is not something 'separate' from humans. So, a war in the name of religion is not necessarily the fault of religion but rather the fault of those humans who use religion as an excuse to kill, if you see what I mean. So, the fact that the crusades happened neither implicated Christ or the christians of today, it only implicates those who took part (using religion as their justification).
Yes possibly.
I wonder if anyone has ever tried to quantify the number of lives lost or destroyed in the name of religion Vs the number of lives saved, created or improved in the name of religion. Could be an interesting phd there.:)

But, the important thing to remember is that religion is not something 'separate' from humans. So, a war in the name of religion is not necessarily the fault of religion but rather the fault of those humans who use religion as an excuse to kill, if you see what I mean. So, the fact that the crusades happened neither implicated Christ or the christians of today, it only implicates those who took part (using religion as their justification).

:iagree: Good people will do good things in the name of religion- possibly better things than they would have done otherwise.

Bad people will do bad things in the name of religion- possibly worse things than they would have done otherwise.
Just been looking back at this....

This must be a difficult religion to follow....


A scrupulous and thorough application of non-violence to everyday activities, and especially to food, is the most significant hallmark of jaina identity.[50] The jaina diet, observed by the followers of jaina culture and philosophy, is one of the most rigorous forms of spiritually motivated diet found either on the Indian subcontinent or elsewhere. It is completely vegetarian, excludes onions and garlic, and may additionally exclude potatoes and other root vegetables. The strictest forms of jaina diet are practised by the ascetics.[51] For Jains, lacto-vegetarianism represents the minimal obligation: food which contains even small particles of the bodies of dead animals or eggs is absolutely unacceptable. Jain scholars and activists support veganism, as the production of dairy products is perceived to involve violence against cows. Strict Jains do not eat root vegetables, such as potatoes and onions, because tiny organisms are injured when the plant is pulled up, and also because a bulb or tuber's ability to sprout is seen as characteristic of a living being.[52]

Jains make considerable efforts in everyday life not to injure plants any more than necessary. Although they admit that plants must be destroyed for the sake of food, they accept such violence only inasmuch as it is indispensable for human survival, and there are special instructions for minimizing violence against plants. Jains also go out of their way not to hurt even small insects and other minuscule animals. They rarely go out at night, when it is more likely that they might trample insects. In their view, injury caused by carelessness is like injury caused by deliberate action.[53] Eating honey is strictly outlawed, as it would amount to violence against the bees. Jains avoid farming because it inevitably entails unintentional killing or injuring of small animals, such as worms and insects,
It strikes me that the poll is completely skewed.

What is seems to infer that if you are not a Christian then you must me a non-believer or even worse........"other"
I don't know what I am , all I know is I treat others as they treat me , I tolerate all religions as its not my place to judge who is right and who is wrong , I believe many things from most religions as I believe they are all striving to reach the same goal in life, so I must be a other .
As I learned from my parents, first must be a human ( as all "declared qualities") then be whatever you want..
Just been looking back at this....

This must be a difficult religion to follow....


A scrupulous and thorough application of non-violence to everyday activities, and especially to food, is the most significant hallmark of jaina identity.[50] The jaina diet, observed by the followers of jaina culture and philosophy, is one of the most rigorous forms of spiritually motivated diet found either on the Indian subcontinent or elsewhere. It is completely vegetarian, excludes onions and garlic, and may additionally exclude potatoes and other root vegetables. The strictest forms of jaina diet are practised by the ascetics.[51] For Jains, lacto-vegetarianism represents the minimal obligation: food which contains even small particles of the bodies of dead animals or eggs is absolutely unacceptable. Jain scholars and activists support veganism, as the production of dairy products is perceived to involve violence against cows. Strict Jains do not eat root vegetables, such as potatoes and onions, because tiny organisms are injured when the plant is pulled up, and also because a bulb or tuber's ability to sprout is seen as characteristic of a living being.[52]

Jains make considerable efforts in everyday life not to injure plants any more than necessary. Although they admit that plants must be destroyed for the sake of food, they accept such violence only inasmuch as it is indispensable for human survival, and there are special instructions for minimizing violence against plants. Jains also go out of their way not to hurt even small insects and other minuscule animals. They rarely go out at night, when it is more likely that they might trample insects. In their view, injury caused by carelessness is like injury caused by deliberate action.[53] Eating honey is strictly outlawed, as it would amount to violence against the bees. Jains avoid farming because it inevitably entails unintentional killing or injuring of small animals, such as worms and insects,

So ... not a lot of point offering them my bacon sandwich with brown sauce then ?
I voted Christianity and totally follow all it's beliefs but I am not religious, I don't go religiously to church every Sunday but I do give thanks to god. I don't knock other people for their beliefs but I do question their ethics, vegetarianism for one, so why do we have canine teeth?
It was quite shocking to see how many non Christians and is quite ironic that the people who voted this will celebrate Christmas like all other Christians

Two Jehovah knocked my door one day I invited them in and the couldn't get back out quick enough after the first minute lol.
I voted Christianity and totally follow all it's beliefs but I am not religious, I don't go religiously to church every Sunday but I do give thanks to god. I don't knock other people for their beliefs but I do question their ethics, vegetarianism for one, so why do we have canine teeth?
It was quite shocking to see how many non Christians and is quite ironic that the people who voted this will celebrate Christmas like all other Christians

Two Jehovah knocked my door one day I invited them in and the couldn't get back out quick enough after the first minute lol.

You seem to be saying that you can't be a vegetarian christian or am I misunderstanding what you are saying.
I'm personally not sure vegetarians have ethics per se, they just don't eat meat.
I may have the ability to kill my wife but that doesn't mean I should use that ability does it ?