A computer bod speaks
Going to
www.britishbeehives.com should not pose any problems.
If you go to
www.british beehives.co.uk it tries to redirect you to
https://british beehives.co.uk - note the "s" in https.
https = a secure site, as you would expect from a page dealing with financial transactions etc. Each of these sites has a security certificate associated with it proving it is who it says it is, and the certificate declares the name of the site it is associated with. Any other site calling it will generate errors in your browser
In this case, the security certificate is associated with the url
www.britishbeehives.com - note
.com, not
.co.uk. So when you enter in
www.british beehives.co.uk which gets automatically redirected to
https://www.british beehives.co.uk the browser looks at the certificate, sees its for a dirrent URL (the .com) and throws up an error.
Nothing to be concerned about in this case, but britishbeehives either need to remove the https: in the redirection or point it to
So, to answer Queens question , in this particular case you are quite OK to proceed onto the site, this is not normally the case when you see that error though. If in doubt go to
NOTE: I've put a gap in "british beehives" to get around an Admin filter