Apis mellifera mellifera

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The subject is boring but the posts are not. The only reason beekeepers go on about this bee is because they know they will never be able to have the pure breed of Apis mm, but it sounds nice doesn't it?

U southerns will find it hard with all your crosses but up here its a different story mo keep dreaming ;)

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Hi fox403,
If you or any other member can produce to me a written certificat that they have a pure strain of Apis mm then i will make a public apology to all those whom i have doubted.

U southerns will find it hard with all your crosses but up here its a different story mo

Would you like to expand on this somewhat confused post? What is so different to your beekeeping than mine?

nothing to do with your beekeeping more to do with how many beekeepers in your area,,more north u travel the further we are spread out,,
>If you or any other member can produce to me a written certificat that they have a pure strain of Apis mm then i will make a public apology to all those whom i have doubted.

is there anyone that can produce a written certificat that they have a 100% pure strain of bees.
I know a beekeeper in south wexford that has one colony that came in 100% within the limits of apis meliffera meliffera

The subject is boring but the posts are not. The only reason beekeepers go on about this bee is because they know they will never be able to have the pure breed of Apis mm, but it sounds nice doesn't it?


Does that mean we shouldn't even aspire to? Or try and improve what we've got? Or head in that general direction (AMM) out of interest? You write as if you think we're all daft!
Maybe we are, let's take a vote?
IMO this is akin to teenagers arguing about which boy-band is the best.
It is pointless, as the two "sides" will never agree.
If I want to keep AMMs why should that be of any concern to a carni enthusiast or vice versa? It all depends why you keep bees and what you want from them.
I've got a labrador - she's no good as a guard dog, should I trade her in for a rottweiler? No, because she has other qualities that are appealing to me. She's a pedigree as it happens, but that would be unimportant as long as she has those qualities that I am looking for.
Same with bees.

As for AMM people ramming it down other people's throats. I think anyone reading this thread back will get exactly the opposite impression. It's not the AMM people telling everyone else that they have got the wrong bees!
Oh dear Mo but you do talk some utter rubbish dear chap.

Oh dear Mo but you do talk some utter rubbish dear chap.

I know poly hive my head is full of it.

maby i have the wrong person, but did not bcrazy have a bt of a rant awhile ago and threw hit rattler out of the pram, and said he was leaving the list, never to come bask again
that’s true Keith but are u just mention it because u weren’t sure ! or are u using forum for just abit fun
wasent sure..
. not sure who did the sampling,but he is well up in the irish bee breeding program
If that is all your posts represent then i think it must be you that has no brains as all you can do is sling mud. You and others that sling mud are pathetic people IMHO:ack2:
Just shows how stupid people are when they drag up the past for no good reason pathectic poor people.

> i think it must be you that has no brains.

Tut tut.. Nobody questioned you intelligence, come to think of it, no one has every mentioned it either.

>as all you can do is sling mud.

I was not sure that it was you , but as you left the last time in such a hissy fit, that i was sure you would be a man of your word and stay gone .
Obviously you sat in the corner sulking for a little while, licking your wounds and thinking.

So what made you change your mind.

Welcome back.....
it does not matter a jot as i have decided to throw in beekeeping for good and microscopy will probebly follow soon.
so here's wishing you all well in your endevours regading beekeeping and you all obtain Apis mellifera mellifera.
