Wind damage - storm Eowyn.

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Gilberdyke John

Queen Bee
May 5, 2013
Reaction score
HU15 East Yorkshire
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The impending doom media are in full swing but luckily I'm out of the main firing line here. The pennines and the Yorkshire wolds tend to provide attenuation of wind forces. However I do recall a morning when I was operations manager for Pozzolanic. We lived in Woolston (Warrington). My alarm clock had gone off and I was slowly waking up when the telephone rang. Still not fully awake I answered to hear the foreman at our Fiddlers Ferry fly ash plant say the cooling tower next to the portakabin has fallen down.
That took a few moments to register both as I was still waking up and the sheer unlikelihood of such an event. As it happened all our staff were safe and no debris came towards the fly ash facility. A couple of hours later the water to the tower had been switched round the failed unit and operations at the power station continued.
The inevitable inquest discovered the concrete structure was capable of withstanding the positive wind force but being grouped with other towers a negative pressure area had been created which in effect pulled the shell outwards and structural failure occurred. Brown underwear time for anyone nearby! If memory serves the same design had been used on other power stations (Ferrybridge C I think?) which saw reinforcement works to avoid similar events.
On a personal side one of our house ridge tiles was dislodged which flipped and broke the adjacent flat tile. I begged a new tile from a roofer working a couple of doors away and replaced it and the ridge tile a couple of days later when the wind died down. Happier days when I was more agile. ☺️
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The impending doom media are in full swing but luckily I'm out of the main firing line here. The pennines and the Yorkshire wolds tend to provide attenuation of wind forces. However I do recall a morning when I was operations manager for Pozzolanic. We lived in Woolston (Warrington). My alarm clock had gone off and I was slowly waking up when the telephone rang. Still not fully awake I answered to hear the foreman at our Fiddlers Ferry fly ash plant say the cooling tower next to the portakabin has fallen down.
That took a few moments to register both as I was still waking up and the sheer unlikelihood of such an event. As it happened all our staff were safe and no debris came towards the fly ash facility. A couple of hours later the water to the tower had been switched round the failed unit and operations at the power station continued.
The inevitable inquest discovered the concrete structure was capable of withstanding the positive wind force but being grouped with other towers a negative pressure area had been created which in effect pulled the shell outwards and structural failure occurred. Brown underwear time for anyone nearby! If memory serves the same design had been used on other power stations (Ferrybridge C I think?) which saw reinforcement works to avoid similar events.
On a personal side one of our house ridge tiles was dislodged which flipped and broke the adjacent flat tile. I begged a new tile from a roofer working a couple of doors away and replaced it and the ridge tile a couple of days later when the wind died down. Happier days when I was more agile. ☺️
Agile, I know that one.Strange thing being that I am more agile navigating a scaffold and working on an incline than walking on flat ground. So you worked in " enemy territory " for a time :) Reading posts on this forum indicates a membership of have done and can do. Takes much to impress on here
My green mineral felt roof was torn off my garage but thankfully the main house and roof is in-tact.
Now the fun begins talking to insurance Co and trying to get repairs done before too much water gets in.
Would have done at least a temp repair myself at one time but...
K :(
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My green mineral fekt roof was torn off my garage but thankfully the main house and roof is in-tact.
Now the fun begins talking to insurance Co and trying to get repairs done before too much water gets in.
Would have done at least a temp repair myself at one time but...
K :(
Hmmm. Might be cheaper in the long run to pay someone to do it straight away. It would prevent excessive insurance costs in the future and save you also developing a blood pressure issue!!
Good luck🤨
Inspected all the exposed colonies today. Only damage was a triple nuc that fell onto a double nuc on a shared stand. The double had just lost its roof but seemed fine when stood back up.
The triple lost it’s empty top box and was split between the other boxes. I just put it back together without the top deck and gave them some fondant. 🤞
Amazing really ... we are 20 miles or so South of you and there was not so much as a breeze where we were. I went out with the dog, all dressed up for the worst weather imaginabke, apart from a bit of drizzle and the tree tops waving a little bit ... nothing ! It must have just missed us as the reports from elsewhere were quite exciting.
Hmmm. Might be cheaper in the long run to pay someone to do it straight away. It would prevent excessive insurance costs in the future and save you also developing a blood pressure issue!!
Good luck🤨
Yes, and if by so doing preventing further damage that would generally be viewed favorably by an insurer. You are after all supposed to mitigate any further damage or extend the costs of the claim. Best to notify your intentions and your reasoning.
Yes, and if by so doing preventing further damage that would generally be viewed favorably by an insurer. You are after all supposed to mitigate any further damage or extend the costs of the claim. Best to notify your intentions and your reasoning.
You are correct of course but strangely all the local roofers appear to be too busy to answer their phones at the minute:unsure:
My wonderful neighbour has put a tarp over the damaged area and weighed it down with decent sized rocks... should keep most, not all damp out for now.
LV insurance will find a reason to not pay out anyway... thieves.
K ;)
strangely all the local roofers appear to be too busy to answer their phones at the minute
if it's anything like around here after the last storm, they're probably working flat out on jury repair jobs to try and keep people warm and dry. A lad who was a few year ahead of me in school and still lives only a few hundred yards away didn't stop for weeks, working through weekends and all the team even cutting their Christmas break down to the minimum to try and clear the backlog. He did say that some people expected them to drop everything (when they were already dropping everything!) and hurling abuse when he tried to explain.
Lost some roof tiles which miraculously missed landing on my vehicles. So many people lost tiles here that one local roofer spent the whole day going from house to house. So most folks have had there's fixed. Luckily I had a few spares.
No power at all but 5 miles away there is so local restaurants are providing free hot food. Power company say 27th to restore power.
Checked my farm hives which are exposed,all okay with just one tree down within 5 metres....phew.
Power company say 27th to restore power.
during storm Doodagh we lost power 0600 Saturday morning it came back (briefly) at 1633 Monday and properly about half an hour later remember to ensure you get your compensation cheque from National grid when it's all over. It should come to you automatically.
during storm Doodagh we lost power 0600 Saturday morning it came back (briefly) at 1633 Monday and properly about half an hour later remember to ensure you get your compensation cheque from National grid when it's all over. It should come to you automatically.

It won't be National Grid for Murox, I don't think. NG only cover Wales, the south west and some of the Midlands as far as I recall. Probably Scottish & Southern? National Grid seems a daft (and misleading) name when they probably cover only half of Wales and less than a quarter of England, but they're not the only one. "UK Power Networks" only serve the east coast from Norfolk down to Kent as far as I recall.

It won't be National Grid for Murox, I don't think. NG only cover Wales, the south west and some of the Midlands as far as I recall. Probably Scottish & Southern? National Grid seems a daft (and misleading) name when they probably cover only half of Wales and less than a quarter of England, but they're not the only one. "UK Power Networks" only serve the east coast from Norfolk down to Kent as far as I recall.

whatever it is, it wasn't my service provider, but fair play they were good, even though as one lady I spoke to told me, they were given no extra staff to handle all the queries after the event, apparently they had thousands of instances where even though the cheques went out, the names on utility accounts didn't match with bank accounts, especially in Wales as naming conventions are not the same as the English.
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Don't know who will pay but my sister in law just let me know that SSEN will be offering various compensations including alternative accommodation costs. We are just camping at home. Worst thing is washing in cold water! Using the car to charge our devices, it's also the warmest room of course
You are correct of course but strangely all the local roofers appear to be too busy to answer their phones at the minute:unsure:
My wonderful neighbour has put a tarp over the damaged area and weighed it down with decent sized rocks... should keep most, not all damp out for now.
LV insurance will find a reason to not pay out anyway... thieves.
K ;)
You are entitled to reimburse your neighbor for his tarp, make sure it is part of your claim. He can then replace his tarp with a new one and that will determine it;s cost.
Don't know who will pay but my sister in law just let me know that SSEN will be offering various compensations including alternative accommodation costs. We are just camping at home. Worst thing is washing in cold water! Using the car to charge our devices, it's also the warmest room of course
We have calor gas camping stove and a wood burner for backup, the future suggests that we should plan for our dear leaders being idiots. We will non storm power cuts that is for sure. Apparently the excess energy produced in Scotland when the wind blows can not be transferred to England as they have not the inter connectors. Washing in cold water, done lots of that , not nice. Hope things improve for you.....and quick
Don't know who will pay but my sister in law just let me know that SSEN will be offering various compensations including alternative accommodation costs. We are just camping at home. Worst thing is washing in cold water! Using the car to charge our devices, it's also the warmest room of course
For years now I've had a small petrol generator tucked away in a shed. It's quite a struggle to drag it out and start it so unless there's a serious outage we just wait a while. I keep thinking I ought to install a couple of emergency lights at fuse box and stairs but so far not really found any urgency to do so.
For years now I've had a small petrol generator tucked away in a shed. It's quite a struggle to drag it out and start it so unless there's a serious outage we just wait a while. I keep thinking I ought to install a couple of emergency lights at fuse box and stairs but so far not really found any urgency to do so.
Years back I used to buy and sell ex gov PC's and associated equiuipment, amongst the items there were huge portable uninteruptable power supplies. They never drew much interest even though they were serious kit, probably due to size. Wish I could turn the clock back, they sold for peanuts, essentially scrap value. A couple of recreation batteries and an inverter would not go amiss, I already have the inverter and 1 rec batt in a camper van so halfway there. The future with SillyMillie in charge looks very unpredictable to say the least

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