Thanks PeterS. I thought I was right.
That certainly makes post #70 a load of twaddle in the context of the thread.
He, I imagine, he must be one of those 'jobsworth types', as I can't think of any better reason for a post like that. Trying to defend the undefendable instead of clearly addressing/clarifying the very simple line of the thread. Quite typical, I find.
To confirm, the Basic is a pre-requisite for the Modules. I thought it was implicit in my previous answer that it was a pre-requisite but perhaps it was ambigous.
Here's my view - the Modules, understandably are aimed at beekeepers. They are not university exams where acadamic only knowledge will suffice. Therefore, a confirmation of at least a minimum knowledge of beekeeping is required in the form of a basic, practical exam.
For the benefit of the candidate, studying the initial modules, such as Honey and Hive products, diseases, etc is impossible if they do not have a basic understanding of hive inspections, position and quantity of brood etc etc.
As I said before, it is a waste of the beekeepers time (and the examiners, the invigilators, and the back office staff) to mark papers from someone who can't even manage to pass a simple 'basic' examination as that practical experience is the basis for much of their learning.
I consider some basic knowledge is essential, more for the beekeeper than anyone else.
He, I imagine, he must be one of those 'jobsworth types',
Perhaps if you saw my committment to practical, hands on training, week in, week out and encouraging students to think out the solutions to problems themselves, to equip them to make sensible, intelligent decisions when they face the barrage of situations in the first year or two of their beekeeping career - you might change your opinion of me. I teach beekeepers regardless of the desire for qualifications, and learn something myself everytime I look in a hive. We have a strict policy of no such thing as a silly question, and students are collectively in charge of any key decisions.
as I can't think of any better reason for a post like that. Trying to defend the undefendable instead of clearly addressing/clarifying the very simple line of the thread.
I've tried to provide a more comprehensive summary above, but as we don't see eye to eye on things, I guess it's unlikely to help.
I guess the recent bad weather in the BBKAs fault as well?
