What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Closed up the weaker hive I was worried about - completely devoid of bees - no dead ones on the floor just a small patch of capped brood left. The frames of stores had been robbed out - but they had stores when I looked in a week ago and at that stage there were no eggs or uncapped brood - not enough bees though and I rather expected that they were doomed. No sign of brood disease and I uncapped some of the capped brood left and no signs of varroa. Queen failure I think. Pity, they were never the strongest or biggest of colonies compared to my others - headed up by a supercedure queen last year. NIce bees to handle and they produced a couple of good supers of honey this year - well below the others in my apiary but I accept what nature provides. An empty hive is always a sad sight.

All my other colonies looking good - still taking down Invertbee and flying when they can. Starting to feel nice and heavy now with feeding and the Ivy.
Put on Perspex crown boards so I can monitor cluster, insulated both with 50mm kingspan insulation and put in 2 strips Apivar to each hive.

Hive 1 is now closed for winter,

I can’t get front entrance block closed on hive 2 as they’re so angry, clustered up front.

Got 3 stings today and picked out about 10 from gloves. It’s unusual as they are normally very easy to work with.

Will ask a local beekeeper for help I think.

Last year they were a dream to work with. This year, so defensive, angry.
Took all feeders off. Hives a good weight. Bees were well behaved. Lots of orientation flights and pollen going in. Weather very mild thus far. I might delay my winter vape by a few weeks
Wasps still annoying the bees, with scrapping going on in front of two hives.
Lots of orienting going on and lots of yellow pollen going in. All bar one colony now up to weight.
Watched the entrances, lots of ivy coming in, still plenty of wasps knocking around and have been a bit of a problem going by the amount of bee parts near the entrances. A couple had minimal pollen coming in and drones flying so not looking good for those,will find out in the spring.
Did my final vape for the Autumn. Turns out that wearing a respirator isn't pleasant when you have a streaming cold. I also realised that I'd somehow managed to leave a QX on one hive, under the crown board. I quickly took it off, but the bees were seriously unimpressed and made sure I understood that. Plenty of foragers out though, and ivy pollen coming back in by the looks of it.

Was bored and the weather is nice so made up a gallon of thymol emulsion which means I'm OK for a couple of years again before going through the fiddle - found lecithin powder rather than granules on amazoon and in smaller quantities so less waste as Most ends up getting claggy after a year or so on the shelf in the shed and ends up in the bin. Doesn't matter how careful you are, wearing gloves and all, you always end up in a fug of thymol fumes for the rest of the day.
The ivy is really blooming now so the bees are flat out on it, piling in the pollen and the scent of ripening ivy honey is overpowering.
Did my final vape for the Autumn. Turns out that wearing a respirator isn't pleasant when you have a streaming cold. I also realised that I'd somehow managed to leave a QX on one hive, under the crown board. I quickly took it off, but the bees were seriously unimpressed and made sure I understood that. Plenty of foragers out though, and ivy pollen coming back in by the looks of it.

They have ways of dealing with those who miff them

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