What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Closed up the weaker hive I was worried about - completely devoid of bees - no dead ones on the floor just a small patch of capped brood left. The frames of stores had been robbed out - but they had stores when I looked in a week ago and at that stage there were no eggs or uncapped brood - not enough bees though and I rather expected that they were doomed. No sign of brood disease and I uncapped some of the capped brood left and no signs of varroa. Queen failure I think. Pity, they were never the strongest or biggest of colonies compared to my others - headed up by a supercedure queen last year. NIce bees to handle and they produced a couple of good supers of honey this year - well below the others in my apiary but I accept what nature provides. An empty hive is always a sad sight.

All my other colonies looking good - still taking down Invertbee and flying when they can. Starting to feel nice and heavy now with feeding and the Ivy.
Put on Perspex crown boards so I can monitor cluster, insulated both with 50mm kingspan insulation and put in 2 strips Apivar to each hive.

Hive 1 is now closed for winter,

I can’t get front entrance block closed on hive 2 as they’re so angry, clustered up front.

Got 3 stings today and picked out about 10 from gloves. It’s unusual as they are normally very easy to work with.

Will ask a local beekeeper for help I think.

Last year they were a dream to work with. This year, so defensive, angry.

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